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They soon arrive at the airport and Joe gets out of the car and gets their cases out.

Niamh gets out and lifts Matthew out of his car seat, "come on beautiful" Niamh says softly as Matthew is half asleep. She rocks him a little and takes sometime to herself, "mummy's going to miss you" Niamh whispers.

Joe comes round to Niamh and Ellie and gives them their cases. She ignores the fact they are there and continues to talk to him.

"Are you going to behave for daddy too?" Niamh coos as she bounces Matthew on her hip.

"I'm sure he will be good as gold" Joe smiles.

Niamh smiles and hugs Matthew. "I love you lots sunshine" she says tearing up a little as she doesn't want to leave him after his fall that only happened yesterday.

"Come on then Matty shall we walk mummy to the gate?" Joe smiles.

Niamh looks up at Joe teary eyed as he takes him off her, Niamh tries to hide the fact she's crying but she can't fight the tears.

Joe walks they up to the doors of the airport. "Joe maybe I should stay?" Niamh says.

"No no, he'll be fine with me...just go and have fun and don't worry about us" he smiles as Niamh is in floods of tears.

Ellie looks at Joe and smiles "oh come here" Joe says to Niamh and hugs her.

Niamh cries into Joe's chest, "It's only for two days babes" Joe smiles.
"You'll have loads of fun with Ellie and you've got you mac to FaceTime us if you like" he smiles as Matthew grabs a handful of Niamh's hair.

Niamh smiles and strokes Matthews cheek "I will FaceTime you later" Niamh smiles.

"Yeah" he smiles as he hugs her and kisses her head.

"Ellie, I'm leaving you in charge to make sure she has fun" Joe smiles and Ellie nods.

Ellie smiles and salutes him "oh don't you worry" Ellie laughs.

"Good" he smiles.
Matthew reaches out to Niamh as Joe dabs her tears with a tissue not to spoil her makeup.

"One last cuddle?" Niamh asks as she looks up at Joe.

Joe nods, "and then it's goodbyes" he smiles as he passes Matthew over.

"Quick quick, I'm hungry" Ellie says.

"I love you so much Matty now don't go having too much fun without me yeah?" Niamh whispers against Matthews head.
"And don't be doing anymore rolls off the sofa either" she whispers as she cuddles him tightly.

"Come on Niamh" Joe says as he holds his arms out to take Matthew off her.

"It's only a few days" he smiles as he takes Matthew off her. "Now give us a kiss and we'll see you soon" he smiles.

Niamh gives him a long kiss before slowly pulling away. Niamh gives Joe a kiss and a tight hug, "have fun" he whispers.

"I will" she whispers as Ellie starts to walk off towards the gate.

Matthew starts to cry rather loudly as he watches Niamh. Niamh blows him a kiss as she starts to walk away, "There sunshine, it's okay, we'll see mummy soon" he says trying to soothe Matthew.

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