Spaced for hours

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"Are you tired now wee man?" Niamh Walsh coos.

"Can I have a wee hold?" Niamh McGrady asks.

"Of course, I think he's tired now" Niamh says.

She passes him to Niamh McGrady and smiles. Matthew squeals a little with his dummy in his mouth and then spits it out.

"Shh you mummy is here" Niamh says as she holds Matthews hand.

Matthew looks up at Niamh McGrady and squeals before smiling at her. "Who's that?" Niamh giggles as she watches him look up at Niamh McGrady.

"Hello you rascal" Niamh McGrady coos.

"Oh my god Niamh I'm broody... I wonder if Dan will let me have a baby" Niamh McGrady smiles.

"I get broody all the time" Niamh Walsh laughs.

"Oh my beating ovaries" Niamh says.

Niamh Walsh laughs, "I reckon you'd be a good mummy" Niamh Walsh says.

"I want a baby, I just never can see it happening anytime soon and I'm 32" Niamh McGrady says.

"Hey lady! Age doesn't matter it's worth a shot" Niamh Walsh says.

She laughs "see how old are you? 26-27? I mean that's normally baby age" she says.

"Well I wasn't even planning Matthew, I just missed and period and was like should I take a test and I did and well then Matthew came along" she says.

"You should so try for one!" Niamh says.

Niamh McGrady nods and giggles. Matthew babbles and kicks his legs as he watches both Niamhs.

Matthew sneezes and snots everywhere "Oh dear" Niamh Walsh says as she grabs a tissue and wipes his nose. "I'm so sorry" Niamh says as she wipes Niamh McGradys knee.

"Oh don't be silly it's fine" she smiles.

"Well I better be getting back to set" Niamh McGrady says.

"I might go home and put this one to bed" Niamh Walsh says as Niamh McGrady passes Matthew back.

They both get up and head to set as Niamh Walsh wants to see if Joe is free. She stands by the door as Joe walks over.

"Hey you alright?" he asks.

"Yeah Matthew isn't well at all he's got a temperature again so I'm going to take him him" Niamh explains.

"Oh dear" Joe says.

Niamh kisses joes cheek, "I'll get the train home" she smiles.

"Or you could stay?" Joe begs.

"Matthew, Joe he's not well" he says.

"I'm joking, yeah I know babe" he says.
"Stay for another 20 minutes, I'm not needed again until then" he asks.

Niamh nods and hugs him. "Lets go to my dressing room" he smiles.

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