Why so many questions

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"Is he due a feed?" Barbara asks.

"Yeah, but I don't think I've expressed milk for him" Niamh sighs as Matthew starts to cry louder. Niamh stands up and takes him off her mum, "you don't mind if I feed him do you?" Niamh says.

"No no it's fine" Barbara smiles.

Niamh sits back down next to Joe and rolls her top up a little. "Niamh? But you Haven't fed him like that in over a month" Joe says.

"I need to do something to stop myself from leaking" Niamh says as Joe looks at her confused.
"What?" she asks as Joe looks rather puzzled.

"What you mean your leaking?" Joe says with a baffled look on his face.

"Do you not understand?" Niamh laughs.

"Sorry but I'm pretty clueless right now" he says a little embarressed.

"My breast is leaking Joe because I haven't expressed in a while... So easiest thing to do is feed Matthew like this to stop it soaking my top" Niamh says.

"Oh right I see, I feel so stupid now" he says a little embarrassedly, Niamh laughs and rocks Matthew slowly. "Sorry" he says awkwardly.

Joe gets up and goes to put his plate in the dishwasher while Niamh tries to eat the rest of her breakfast with her free hand. Joe laughs at her and comes and sits next to her.

"Your great with him Niamh" Barbara smiles as she watches Niamh.

"Being here has made it easier, I don't know why" she says with a smile.

Joe smiles at her "I've noticed it too babe" he says as he kisses her cheek and strokes Matthew's head.

"I'm always stressed at home which Joe picks up on a lot" Niamh says to her mum.

"What you stressed about pumpkin?" Barbara says.

"I don't really know different things I guess, I'm mostly on my own with Matthew most days so I'm normally tired which kicks me off, but Joe tries his best to get days off here and there but because of his schedules it's not always easy" Niamh says and Joe smiles at her and strokes her hand.

Matthew coughs a little and Niamh moves him away for a few seconds and then switches sides. "Your doing really well with him from what I can see" Barbara smiles.

Niamh gives a little smile "I have my ups and downs" Niamh says.

"Your bound to be with Matthew being your first born" Barbara says.

"Take the other night for example" Niamh says.

"What happened?" Barbara says.

"When you know we had a little row?" Niamh says as she looks over at Joe. Barbara nods as Brian walks into the kitchen and glances at Niamh.

"Morning" he smiles.

"Morning dad" Niamh smiles back.

"You all right?" he asks.

Niamh nods as she drinks her glass of water. Chloe comes in and looks at Niamh, "isn't that sore Niamhy?" she says.

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