Rings, Travel Insurance... Me

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Niamh has slept for half the day and Joe has been looking after Matthew who is still very grizzly.
He is sat downstairs with a cup of coffee and Matthew on his knee.  Joe looks down at Matthew lying across his knees and smiles "mummy isn't well at all is she?" He says.
"She's not herself sure she isn't?" Joe says. "But what's your mummy on about Malaysia for hmm?" He coos.
"It's confused me" Joe says puzzled.
Joe then hears Niamh messing around upstairs and knows she's coming downstairs.

She comes down in her dressing gown, "sorry I slept in really late, is he alright?" she asks quite flustered.

Joe nods "he's been golden" he smiles.
"You weren't well this morning remember? So I brought Matty down here to give you some peace" he smiles as she comes and sits next to him.

Niamh rubs her head "oh god yeah" she mumbles.

"How you feeling now?" he asks in a civilised tone.

"Like crap" she mumbles as she looks at Matthew.

"Oh dear" he says as he pulls her into a hug and kisses her. She gives a half smile and strokes Matthew's cheek.

"How's he been?" Niamh asks.

"Brilliant we had a great time watching the football although all he did was sleep" Joe smiles.

Niamh laughs at him "oh Joe he's only a month old, TV is hardly going to interest him right now" she smiles.

Joe smiles to himself as he likes to see Niamh smiling too, "I better give my mum a call" Niamh says.

"Do you want me to make you something to eat or anything?" he asks.

She shakes her head and grabs her phone. Joe gets up and goes to make himself a glass of water and another bottle for Matthew as he will be due another feed soon.

Niamh holds Matthew and smiles down at him, "how's my boy ay?" She smiles.
Matthew starts to wimper a little.

"Oh baby don't worry daddy is making you a bottle right now" she smiles.

"Why don't you try breast feeding him?" Joe asks.

Niamh sighs, "not really in the mood" she groans.

"Go on give it a try" he smiles.

Niamh sighs, "I'm not up to it, I feel sick again" she says.

Joe nods and gets the bottle of milk for Matthew. He takes him off Niamh and goes back to the lounge were he feeds him which isn't as easy as usual.
"Come on Matthew" Joe says.
"There come on wee man daddy's got you a bottle" Joe says as he sits down.

Joe sits and listens to Niamh on the phone as he feeds Mathew. "What's mummy up to eh?" Joe says.

Joe feeds Matthew and finally Niamh comes back through from the kitchen, Joe doesn't say anything but just smiles at her, "Is he finished?" Niamh questions.

"Nearly" Joe smiles.

Niamh smiles and grabs her iPad and turns it on. Joe sits Matthew up on his knee and burps him.

Matthew burps and Joe lies him down in his Moses basket and looks at Niamh, "Malaysia?" He says as he glances at the iPad.

"What?" Niamh says as she doesn't get what he means.

"Travel insurance and and you've been looking at flights to Malaysia" he says.

"How do you know that?" she mumbles.

"You should learn to clear your internet history" he smiles.

"Why were you on my ipad anyway?" she huffs.

"I needed to use it well mine is broke and I was only search for something for you" he says.

"What for me?" she questions.
Joe flicks to the page he's left open on her internet explorer and shows her the page which is a jewellers webpage.

He quickly selects the one he's after and hands it her back "What's this for?" she asks.

"Oh god I didn't realise this could be so difficult to do" he says.

"What be so difficult?" Niamh asks curiously, Joe points to what the section on rings he's looking at.

"Oh my goodness Joe!!" she says, Joe looks at her a little worried.

"I erm..." he stutters.

"No Joe" she stutters.

"What?" Joe says.

"I can't do this" she says.

"Why?" he asks.

"For a start we're colleagues, secondly not right now give me time yeah... I shall think about it" she smiles.

Joe nods and looks down at Matthew, "It doesn't mean I don't love you any less" she smiles.

"Well you obviously do if your moving to Malaysia" Joe huffs.

Niamh looks at him stunned, "no, Joe I love you so much no matter how far away we are from each other" Niamh says.

"But why Niamh? Your job? And don't you think Matthews a bit young?" he questions.

Niamh shakes her head "they have theatre companies over there who pay good and Matthew will be fine, he won't know the difference" Niamh replies.

"And what about me? Hmm?" Joe asks.

Niamh looks at him a little unsure of what to say, Joe lies Matthew down in the Moses basket and goes upstairs.

Niamh looks at Joe a little upset.

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