Messy baby

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The following morning Joe wakes to Matthew crying. Joe gets up and lifts him up, "oh deary me" he coos as he gets back into bed with him.

Matthew cries and leans over his shoulder. "Hey what's wrong?" he coos as he bounces him a little.

Matthew bites on his fist and cries loudly, "Let's get your nappy changed and get you breakfast" Joe says as he tries to soothe him.

Joe lies him on the bed and undoes Matthews poppers on his grow and gets his legs out before pulling it up so he can get to his nappy.

"Oh that's lovely Matthew" Joe laughs as his nappy is rather dirty. Matthew cries and kicks his legs.

"Right daddy will get you comfy" Joe says as he wipes his bum.

He starts to calm a little as Joe cleans him. "There we go wee man" Joe coos.

Matthew smiles and eats his fist again. "You'll be a good boy for daddy when the health visitor comes won't you?" Joe laughs as he knows he has to report back to Niamh.

Matthew giggles and kicks his legs out as Joe tries to put his legs back in the grow.

"Sit still you monkey" he laughs, "Look at these chubby legs" Joe coos.

Matthew giggles as Joe lifts him up and sits him on his knee. "Shall we get you fed now?" Joe smiles.

Matthew smiles and watches Joe as he reaches for his phone.

"No text from mummy yet, she's probably still asleep" Joe smiles.

Matthew watches Joe and babbles. He takes Matthew to the kitchen and sits him in his high chair. He bangs the tray as he knows what's coming.

"Oh are you hungry?" Joe smiles as he heats up Matthews porridge.

Matthew giggles and tries to reach out for Joe. "Have your milk while you wait" Joe says.

Joe sets down Matthew's bottle of milk and he lifts it up and drinks it frantically.

"Steady on" Joe says as he gets Matthews porridge out the microwave. "Right here we go" Joe says as he gives him it after it has cooled down.

Matthew squeals loudly like he's never done before and bangs the tray. "Oi, simmer down" Joe laughs.

He gives Matthew a small spoon full of porridge. He eats it but manages to get it all around his face.

Joe scrapes it off his face with the spoon and gives him more. Matthew gurgles and bangs the tray more between spoonfuls. Matthew eats it loudly and babbles to himself.

"You're very noisy this morning aren't you cheeky chops?" Joe laughs.

Matthew rubs his face as he has some and it goes all the way up the side of his face.

"You messer" Joe laughs. "What would mummy think?" Joe laughs as he gets his phone and takes a quick photo.

"Let's send it to mummy to see if we hear anything back from her" Joe smiles as he sends it to Niamh.

"Oh baby" he laughs as he wipes his face.

"You are a right messer well it's all done now" he says.

He lifts Matthew out of his high chair and goes and gets themselves changed. An hour or so later Niamh replies to Joe.

"Oh look Matty mummy has replied" Joe says as he sits Matthew on the floor.

Matthew babbles and rolls about on the floor. Joe reads the text to himself which makes him smile.

It reads, 'Morning! Miss you lot's, how's Matty this morning? Don't forget the health visitor is coming this afternoon and my scripts aswell. Love you both Xo'

Joe smiles and looks over at Matthew. "You're mummy's a worrier" Joe laughs.

Matthew rolls around trying to eat his toes. Joe laughs as he chews on his blanket which is lying on the floor beside him.

"Daddy better make this place clean, all your toys are across the floor" Joe says.

He squeals and kicks the floor as he can't reach his toes, "Aww mate are your lets too short" Joe smirks as he starts to clean around Matthew.

Matthew lies on his tummy and watches Joe and continues to make lot's of noise.

"Gosh are you just being like this because mummy isn't around?" He laughs

"You better behave later" Joe says as he grabs him by his top and lifts him up.

Matthew squeals and places his hands on Joe's face. He giggles as Joe bobs his tongue out at him.

Mathew giggles and tries to kick out. Joe laughs and kisses his cheek and sits down on the sofa with him.

Matthew tries to move away by rolling but Joe stops him. "No we're not having another rolling onto the floor inccident" Joe laughs.

Matthew starts to whimper as Joe sits him on his lap. He gives him a cuddle to settle him, Matthew cries and yawns as he bites Joe's top.

"Aw are those teeth giving you bother sweetiepie?" Joe coos. Joe bounces Matthew on his knee and smiles at him, "oh baby" he coos.

"There's it's okay" Joe smiles as Matthew starts to settle.
Matthew yawns again "don't you dare fall asleep" Joe says.

"You need to stay awake for the health visitor" Joe says.

Matthew whines and throws his head forwards onto Joe's shoulder. "Shh shh" Joe says.

Matthew whines even more and cries persistently.  "Right what's wrong?" Joe says as he is doing his head in.

Joe remembers that he's left Matthews dummy upstairs so goes to get it. "Yes Matthew I get the picture!" Joe huffs.

Joe gets his dummy and gives it to Matthew. Matthew spits it out and cries even more.

"Right that's it" Joe says as he puts Matthew down on the bed and gets his phone

He gets Niamh's number up and FaceTimes her.

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