Friends nothing more

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"Stop it" she says completly and utterly annoyed with Alex.

Just as she has finished her lunch herself and Joe are called back to set but also to makeup too.

"We better get this right first time" she says.

"Niamh that will never happen" he laughs. Niamh gets up and huffs in disgust.

"Shall we have a go now and practise?" he smirks. Niamh's eyes widen and she looks at Joe, "I've put my best lippy on for you" he smirks as he gives her a pout.

"You've got to be joking" she says stunned.

"I'm playing with yous Niamh" he laughs as he puts his stethoscope on.

"Yeah you better be" she says completly horrified.

Niamh sighs and makes her way to set, "right Niamh if you could follow me" the script supervisor says as she is joined by the floor manager too.

Niamh is still completly horrified on what is going to happen, she knows they are going to have to do a number or takes of this scene. "So we are going to do a few takes on this from different camera angles, also when you walk in you don't notice Joe at first" the script supervisor announces to Niamh.

"A few, oh my days!!" Niamh repeats and she stands quite nervously. She is normally quite calm with scenes like this just like with Jody Latham a few months back, but there is something about Joe that is making her nervous.

After all she doesn't want to let her Rara fans down so she is determined to concentrate and get it right even though she is nervous. The whole crew arrive and Niamh knows it's time for the scene so she quickly drinks we water and flicks through her script and heads to where she is needed.

"You better know your lines this time!" she mouths to Joe. He puts his thumbs up and smiles at her.

Niamh nods and makes sure she know her lines so she wouldn't make the idiot out of herself this time round.
The camera operator shouts out and everyone is ready finally, "and... Action!" Niamh starts and gets into character.

she enters the locker room set and goes to her locker, she jumps when she sees Joe "Raf everything alright?" She says as she starts acting.

Niamh tries to keep a straight face and stay in character but it's hard to when Joe keeps glancing at her awkwardly.
She suddenly becomes really unprofessional and bursts into hysterics.

"That was your fault this time not mine" Joe laughs.

"Sorry the way you kept glancing at me, I couldn't help myself!" she laughs. She doubles over in hysterics, she tries to breathe but can't and she starts to go red.

"Get yourself together sweetie we have a scene to film" he jokes which makes her laughs even more. Niamh can't even look at him now without laughing.

She finally composes herself and they start filming again, "action!" The camera operator shouts.

"Raf, I don't think we can be... Oh fuck... Sorry that was the wrong line... Totally wrong" she blushes and Joe starts to laugh.

"Who doesn't know their lines now!" he laughs.

Niamh blushes and looks down "right lets do this" she says as she starts to warm her voice up again.
"Sorry, I'll get it right this time" she says and tries not to laugh.

Joe nods "Raf what's up?" She says as action is shouted again.

Joe glances at her and tries not to make it as awkward as he did the last time. "Cara.... I really... Erm... How do I put this?" Joe says as he starts to move towards Niamh. Before Niamh can say anything just like in the script, Joe grabs Niamh and pushes her up the locker and starts to kiss her.

Niamh tries to push him off put after a few minutes she warms to the kiss and continues to kiss him back. She wraps her arms around his neck and totally off script Joe lifts her up and Niamh squeals.

The two try not to laugh at one another as the scene was going quiet well. They smile into the kiss happily. Niamh seems to have relaxed into the kiss just as the director shouts "cut!" And Joe puts Niamh down carefully.

Niamh blushes as she is lost for words, "...well I'm glad that's over and done with" she says.

"Can we do one more shot of that please but can we try it on a pan shot please" the script supervisor announces.

Joe tries not to laugh, "What!! Again?" Niamh panics. The script supervisor nods and Niamh rolls her eyes, they start the scene again.

It goes the same again "Raf, what's up?" and Joe awkwardly glances at Niamh.

Joe says he line then lifts her up and starts kissing her put this time, he pulls her top off. Niamh pulls away, "Joe what the hell are you doing?" she stutters.

FYI, I'm acting" he says as Niamh grabs her top

the script supervisor smiles "that was excellent Joe, we need to keep this in and show how passionate raf if for Cara" she says and Niamh blushes.

"Oh my days, what!!" Niamh say as she blushes to the colour of beetroot. The script supervisor laughs and calls for another shot as soon as Niamh has her top back on.

"Please don't make this awkward let's just do it smooth right?" she says to Joe. Joe laughs and nods, "as smooth as we can make it" he smirks.
They do the whole
Scene again and Joe does actually what he did the last time and Niamh tries not to act awkward.

He throws her scrub top to one side and kisses her. Niamh kisses him again, he kisses down her neck and then cut is Called and Joe puts Niamh down again.
"See it wasn't that bad" Joe laughs as Niamh looks at him awkwardly.

Niamh smiles and gets get top back before heading off set as she is finished for the day.
She goes to her dressing room to grab her handbag and car keys.

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