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"Wait Niamh" Chloe says as she rushes downstairs after her. "Can you please take you know what with me before you leave?" she whispers.

"Go do it now, I really need to do this milk now" Niamh says.

"I'll come up to you in a sec and express the milk up there" Niamh sighs.

"Your a star Niamhy you know that right?" Chloe smiles.

Niamh giggles happily at her. "Joe can you see to Matty, he's crying" Niamh calls as she grabs a bottle.

"Yeah sure" Joe calls as he races upstairs to Matthew. Niamh heads back upstairs to Chloe.

Chloe is sat in her bedroom. "So?" Niamh asks as she comes and sits down and express milk for Matthew.

"I can't look, you look for me" Chloe says.

"Oh come on you edjit, give it here" Niamh says.

"It's not even ready yet" Niamh says as she sets the machine up.

Chloe starts to pace the bedroom rather nervously. "What if I'm pregnant? What if it's twins? Shit Niamh what am i going to do" Chloe says nervously.

"First of all don't get yourself worked up about it" Niamh says.

"What are you even doing anyway?" Chloe asks as she watches Niamh.

Niamh gives a nervous laugh, "erm expressing milk for Matthew so you can feed him while I'm gone" she says.

Chloe smiles "I hate it but I can't always be around to feed Matthew can I" Niamh giggles.

"Why do you hate it?" Chloe asks curiously.

"It's like a really strong suction cup" Niamh says.

"Oh stop I feel your pain" Chloe says.

Niamh laughs and looks down at the pregnancy test "it's done" Niamh says.

"Ready?" Niamh smiles.

"Shit...no not really? What am I meant to tell Harry?" she says.

"Just simply say Harry in with child" Niamh says in a Shakespearian language which makes Chloe laugh.

"Come and sit down" Niamh laughs.

"Niamh I can't do this... How did you do this?" Chloe questions.

"It's fine Chloe, come here" Niamh says. Chloe comes over and sits next to Niamh and Niamh takes her hand. Niamh smiles at her and reads the tests.
"Better get on the phone to Harry, your preggers Chlo!" Niamh smiles as she can't contain her excitement for Chloe.

Chloe's mouth drops "what !" She mumbles, Niamh hands the test to Chloe. "Oh god... I'm going to be sick" she says.

"Calm yourself let it sink in" Niamh says.

"Niamh!" Joe calls as Niamh pulls Chloe into a half hug.

"Yes what's wrong?" she calls.

"Matthew's in a bit of a mess need you" Joe shouts.

"Right coming" Niamh shouts. "There's one bottle, I'll do him another two, now sit there and do not move till I come back, I don't want you fainting or anything like that" she says.

Chloe lies down on the bed and hides the test under her bed pillow.

"What's up?" Niamh asks as she goes through to her room.
"He's pooped on the bed, I went to changed his nappy and obviously he wasn't finished" Joe says.

"Oh god Joe, I leave you for 5 minutes" Niamh says.

Joe laughs and tries to clean the bed up while Niamh puts a nappy on Matthew, "just take the sheets off right?" Joe says.

"Oh Matty darling, your bums still red, someone's sore" Niamh says as Matthew won't stop crying, Niamh lifts him up and tries to sooth him.

"There darling it's okay" Niamh says as she takes the sheet off with one hand as Joe helps. Joe takes them down to the laundry room and puts them in the washer and waits for Niamh to come down. "I still need to fill another two bottles for Matty" she says as she comes downstairs with him.

"OK better be quick about it reservation is at 7" Joe says.

"Right, I need to speak to Chloe before we leave so take Matthew and I'll be quick" she smiles.

Joe takes Matthew and tells Niamh to hurry. She goes up to Chloe, "hey you I can talk until I make up another two bottle then Matthew's all yours" Niamh says.

"I don't feel like talking" Chloe mumbles into her pillow.

"Would this bloody thing work" Niamh says as she gets a little stressed.
Chloe doesn't reply to her but just lies there. "Sorry" Niamh says as she fixes herself and makes up a few more bottles. "Shall I leave you be?" Niamh questions. Chloe shrugs "Chlo your twenty one not five" Niamh says as she gets up. "I need you for Matthew, you three will have the house to yourselves, mum and dad are going shopping" Niamh says.

Niamh smiles hoping Chloe will reply, "okay" Chloe mumbles.

"Tell him okay, you'll be alone...what's the worst that could happen eh?" Niamh says.

"He could leave me" Chloe says as Niamh starts on the last bottle.

"Oh wise up, if he truly loves you he won't! Besides you have been together for four years" Niamh says as they make their way downstairs.

Chloe nods and goes and sits in the lounge. "Tell mum to get Matty nappies too, he's asleep on the play mat and I'll leave his bottles in the kitchen, enjoy and I'll see you later" Niamh says.
Chloe nods and Niamh goes and joins Joe at the front door.

"I'm good to go now, sorry for keeping you waiting" Niamh apologises.  Joe smiles and kisses her cheek as they head out the door.

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