Caught red handed

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They are all called to set and Niamh is left on her own for a good twenty minutes as she isn't required for the current filming scenes.

She sits down as he back is killing her. The baby keeps giving her rather strong kicks, "hello you! Yes I know you are there" she giggles as the kicks keep getting stronger. She rubs her bump and smiles "you really want me to know your there today" she smiles as she puts her hand over the area he is kicking in.

She stands up as she sees Joe coming towards her, "hey you" he smiles as she does seemed to be in an okay mood at the moment.

Niamh sighs and hugs Joe, "I can't do this much longer he's playing about with me big time" Niamh mumbles

"He's very lively today isn't he?" Joe says as he places a hand on her bump and feels how strong the kicks are.
"You hold up in there little man, give your mum a break just another three weeks mate" he smiles as he looks down at her bump.

"He ain't coming any sooner, he's staying in there for as long as possible!" Niamh frowns.

Joe smiles and kisses her on the cheek, "well I can't wait to meet him" he smiles.

"He's making me feel really sick" she mumbles.

"You haven't eaten anything this morning" he says as he takes her hand and strokes it, "how about at lunch me and you take a walk and we go and to the retail park a few roads away" he smiles.

"I guess I'd like that" she smiles.

Joe pulls her close and smiles at her. "Now tell me Niamh what does a man have to do around her to get a proper kiss" Joe smiles as he looks around to see no one around.

She smiles and giggles softly, "I guess it's just me and you around right now" she giggles. He nods and puts his arms around Niamh's waist and kisses her

"I love you" she mumbles into the kiss. Niamh wraps her arms around Joe's neck just as Ellie walks in.

Her mouth drops open, Joe pulls away as he sees Ellie out of the corner of his eye. Niamh turns around quickly and wipes her mouth as she looks at Ellie who is completely gobsmacked to what she has just witnessed. "Erm..." Ellie stutters not knowing what to say.

"Ellie... Erm" Niamh stutters as she doesn't know what to say herself.

"Are you two...?" she stutters as she points at them.

Niamh bites her lip and looks down at the floor and gives a faint nod. "You and Joe are...t-t-ttogether?" she stutters as she also looks over at Joe.

Joe nods "I'm so... Sorry you had to find out like this" Joe mumbles as he looks at Ellie.

"But Niamh...Elliot?" Ellie questions. Niamh looks up with tears falling down her face.

She shakes her head "no" she mumbles.

"Oh Niamh what's happened?" Ellies asks as Niamh looks extreamly upset.

"He...I... I.... Can't" Niamh stutters and makes no sense.

She sits back down and Joe kneels down to her height, "hey listen, you're not on your own" he says as he knows Niamh doesnt like to think of Elliot anymore.

Ellie stands behind him unsure of what to say. Joe stands back up and gives Niamh a reassuring not, "She's not with Elliot anymore for various reasons as such" Joe starts to explain.

"Oh my god Niamh you should have told me! What's happened?" Ellie says completly stunned.

Niamh shakes her head "I can't say" Niamh says.

"It's fine Niamh I'll explain if you like?" he says as he rubs her shoulder.

"Is the baby Elliot's... Or is it-" Ellie stutters. Niamh looks up at Joe who is staring into space.

"Joe" Niamh mumbles as she pokes his shoulder.

"Sorry what?" he says as he snaps out of it.

"We have a lot of explaining to do" she says before looking down again and rubbing her bump.

Ellie looks at Niamh "so?" She questions.

Joe takes a deep breath in, "Elliot abused Niamh" he says as Niamh reaches out for his hand.

Ellie stands there shocked unsure of what to say "oh Niamh" she mumbles.

"You should have told me, I could of helped" Ellie says as she grabs a chair and sits down next to her.

Niamh shakes her head "no, it was my fault all of it, I was blind to it at first I just thought the was being protective" Niamh explains.

"It wasn't your fault Niamh not at all!" Joe says as they both sit infront of her.

She puts her head in her hands. "Calm down Niamhy, remember you'll get baby stressed out" Joe says as he places one hand on her bump and strokes it to feel strong kicks.

Niamh just continues to look down at the floor. "I'm so sorry Niamh" Ellie says.

"Is there anything I could do?" Ellie says as she is slightly worried about Niamh.

"Just don't tell anyone" Niamh says.

"I won't, I promise you both" Ellie says as she smiles at Joe.

Niamh smiles at Ellie "I just want to get on with life, I want to look after my baby boy without any word of 'him' in my life" Niamh says as she rubs her bump.

"We know" Joe and Ellie say in unison. Niamh smiles and continues to rub her bump.

"I'm sorry Ellie I should of told you as we are so close" she sighs. Ellie stands up and hugs Niamh. "I'm here for you no matter what" Ellie smiles.

"Thanks" Niamh whispers.

"Well anyway, I came to tell you two that you's both aren't needed until after lunch" Ellie smiles.

Niamh smiles and Joe looks at her "so you still want to come out for lunch" he says.

"I don't feel very well though" she says. Ellie smiles and leaves the two be.

"Come on fresh air will do you good" he smiles.

"Now dry those eyes!" he smiles as he takes her hand. She wipes her tears away and gets up and heads to her dressing room and gets dressed ready to go out.

"Do you have any neurofen or paracetamol?" she moans as Joe comes into her changing room once he is dressed.

"I have paracetamol but it's the really strong stuff" he says.

"I have a really sore head and my back is killing me" she groans.

"Well we can go for lunch now and you can have half of one with your lunch" he smiles.

"I think I could do with a full one!" she says.

"No! You'll end up falling asleep on me today" he laughs. Niamh smiles and grabs her bag and coat.

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