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It's Niamh first day back at work since she had Matthew back in December. Joe gets up as Niamh is in a rather deep sleep, he's not sure weather to waken her or not.

He goes through to Matthews room to check on him as he hasn't been very well these past few days. He peers into the cot to see Matthrw wriggling about and whining.

"Hey you" Joe smiles as he picks him up slowly. Matthew gurgles and looks at Joe, "aw your rather pale wee man" Joe coos.

Joe grabs a tissue and wipes Matthews nose, "oh dear you've got a snotty nose haven't you wee man" he smiles.

Matthew starts to cry and tries to hit Joe's hand away. "Come on it'll help" Joe says as he grabs the infant calpol. He lifts Matthew up and takes him into their room.

"Look see mummy is asleep" Joe says as he sits Matthew on the bed. He whines and lies down on the bed.

Matthew rolls about until he finds Niamh and cuddles up to her hip. "Yes cuddle up to mummy" Joe says as he gets back into bed and goes on his phone.

Matthew whimpers as he rolls around a little. "What's wrong son?" he coos as he rubs her back.

He starts to cough so Joe quickly sits up him and rubs his back. "Oh I know baby" he says.

Soon Niamh's 5am alarm goes off on her phone, Joe watches as she reaches out for her phone and pats around until she finds it.

"Ugh piss off" she moans.

"Language lady" he says as he pulls Matthew onto his lap just incase Niamh rolls over.

"Shut up" Niamh moans.

Matthew lies back against Joe and closes his eyes again. "There's a good boy" Joe coos as he cuddles him.
Niamh opens one eye to see the two.

"Morning gorgeous" he smiles.

"Hey" she yawns as she slowly sits up.

"He's not feeling great" Joe says.

"Oh dear" Niamh says as she pulls Matthew onto her lap.

He stirs a little but falls back to sleep. "You can hear how sniffly he is now" Niamh says.

Joe nods, "he'll be fine" he smiles.

"Did you turn on that humidity thing what my mum told us to buy last night?" Niamh asks curiously.

"Yeah why?" Joe asks.

"Just curious... It doesn't seem to be working" she says.

"Your mum said give it time and it will" Joe replies.

"I miss mum" she sighs.

"Your seeing her in July" Joe laughs.

"I know" she says tiredly as she lies back down again as she lies Matthew beside her on his back.

"Don't go to sleep, your due in work in two hours" he says.

"Stop, I want to sleep" she moans as she giggles a little.

Joe kisses her "come on" he says.

"But I'm tired" she moans.

"Well you shouldn't have stayed up most of the night watching TV" he laughs.

"Matthew wouldn't settle" she argues.

"Calm your tits girl" he laughs as he gets out of bed.

Niamh laughs, "up now or I'll pull the covers off you" he says.

"You wouldn't do that Matthew is poorly" she says.

"Just watch me" he says.

"Don't sass me" she giggles.

She wraps herself up in the blanket and Joe gets Matthew off the bed and puts him back in his room.

"Come on Niamhy" he laughs.

He goes back into her and tugs at her ankle. "Joe!" she moans as she grips the pillow.

"Come on" he laughs as he pulls the covers off revealing Niamh curled up in a ball.

"I hate you Joe McFadden" she moans.

"You love me really" he laughs as he climbs on the bed.

"Piss off and go shower" she says.

"That's not a nice thing to say to your future husband now is it?" He teases as he climbs on top of her and looks down at her.

"Does it look as if I care?" she says as she looks up at him tiredly.

"Let me wake you up ice tits" he laughs as he kisses her nose.

"Excuse me?" she says. He laughs and kisses her nose again. "Please go and shower" she says.

"Why?" He laughs.

"I need my beauty sleep to be able to act" she giggles.

"Fucking hell girl you've had all night to do that" he says.

"Well not enough" she squeals as Joe lies ontop of her.

"Do you mind?" she giggles.

"No not at all actually" he smirks.

"Your actually really sexy from this angle" Joe laughs.

"Hmm really?" she laughs. He kisses her lips and smiles, "Were you too warm last night honey?" she smirks as Joe only has his boxers on.

Joe laughs and kisses her chest, "I know Niamhy I'm smoking hot" he smirks.

"I still have baby fat, that ain't good" she sighs.

"What? Where did that come from" he says as she changed the subject pretty fast.

"I was just saying" she laughs.

Joe kisses her again "I still think your smoking hot though" he smirks.

"Thanks" she blushes and giggles a little.

"Love you lots" Joe mutters against Niamh's ear.

"I love you too" she smiles as she kisses him, Joe lifts her up out of bed and she squeals playfully. "Put me down, I'm tired" she giggles.

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