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Matthew is nearly a month old and things are starting to get easier for Niamh as she is getting to grips with being a first time mum.

Today Niamh has decided to take Matthew to work with her, She has been up for two hours with Matthew who has strangely slept six hours straight, she is currently bathing him after a messy nappy.
"Need a hand?" Joe asks as he sticks his head around the bathroom door.

She nods "he's being a right little rascal" Niamh laughs as she brushes her hair out of her face.

Joe comes in and walks over to the bath and kneels down beside Niamh, Niamh has her one hand supporting Matthew's head and the other washing him down. Joe helps her and supports his head so that she can wash him properly.

"I'm going to tell everyone" Niamh says as she washes Matthew's dark hair carefully.

"You aren't making sense" Joe laughs.

"I'm going to post a photo of him on Twitter before anyone at work posts" she smiles.

Joe smiles, "good idea" he says as he kisses her cheek.

"I will dry him off and then dress him before taking a photo" she smiles as Matthew is currently awake.

"Good idea" Joe smiles as she finishes off washing his hair and body.
"Right son" Joe says as he grabs a towel and lifts Matthew out of the bath.

Niamh opens the towel up and wraps it around Matthew, Matthew looks at Niamh and gurgles and wriggles in her arms, She smiles down at him and takes him through to her room.

She lays him down on the bed and Joe dries him while Niamh gets him some clothes, "What shall I put him in Joe?" Niamh questions as she looks through his draw.

"Whatever you want" he smiles.

"That helped a lot" she giggles.
Niamh continues to looks "hmm okay, what's it to be?  white aeroplane shirt and grey trousers? Or the white and blue dungarees Ellie got him" Niamh says.

"Dungarees Ellie got him" Joe smiles.

Niamh smiles and kisses Matthew's head as she comes over to him, Joe smiles and wipes his hands as he's finished changing his nappy.

"I swear that's the second time that child has dribbled over me peeing!" Joe says as he gets a wipe and wipes his chest. Niamh laughs at him.

Niamh gets Matthew changed and smiles at him "well don't you looks handsome" Niamh coos as she kisses his feet and puts his socks on.

Joe gets himself dressed and goes to make Niamh and himself some breakfast. When she's got herself changed she goes downstairs with Matthew.

Joe takes him off her so she can eat her cereal in peace, "He must have a little bit of an upset stomach" Niamh says with a mouthful of cereal.

"Why what makes you say that?" Joe questions.

"The state of his nappy this morning" Niamh says.

Joe laughs, "Is someone not feeling great wee lad?" Joe says as Matthew is wide awake.

"Hey Niamh you gonna take a photo of him or what?" Joe says as he watches her messing with her phone.

"Yes I will, wait till I finish this" she says as she finishes off her cereal.

He nods and continues to watch Matthew, "I'm a little nervous about today" she mutters.

"What ever for?" He questions.

"I don't really know, I just have a weird feeling about it all" she sighs.

She gets up and takes her bowl through to the kitchen, "Right you, mummy has to get a picture" Niamh smiles as she takes him off Joe and walks through to the lounge.
She lies him down on the baby Mat and gets her phone out, "come on sweetie" Niamh says as she unlocks her phone and strokes his cheek.

After a few attempts she finally gets a good picture, "Ahh there's my little happy chappy" she smiles as she lifts him off the floor and sits down and creates a tweet, she attaches the photo of Matthew and write 'Sorry I haven't posted much.Been busy with this little one,my little Boy Matthew born early hours of Christmas Day'.

Joe smiles and sits down next to the two, "So?" Joe says as he kisses her cheek and looks at Matthew who is lying against her chest.

"Joe I only posted it a matter of minutes ago" she giggles as she yawns.

"I have to go to work now, you coming up by train later?" Joe says as he strokes her leg.

"I can do if you so desire" she flirts, He smiles and kisses her cheek and stands up.

"Come up about 12 I'll be on my break then" he smiles.

Niamh nods and kisses him again before he leaves, "I'll see you later" she smiles as he leaves the house.

Niamh smiles down at Matthew who is fast asleep again, "looks like it's just you and me for a few hours" Niamh smiles.

Niamh smiles and kisses Matthews head, She lies in down in his Moses basket and does a bit of cleaning.

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