Pink or Blue

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Niamh sits in the waiting room alone again on maternity, she can't risk Joe coming with her just in case there is someone who watches the show there and they might get ideas.

'Let me know how things go this morning babe X' he texts her.

'I will definitely let you know, how's work anyway without me?' She replies as she rests her hand on her bump.

'Really boring, bitta Migby at the moment X' he replies.

Niamh smiles to herself and rubs her hand around in circles on her bump.
"Bless your daddy, we left him at work all lonely" she giggles to herself.

"Having fun by any chance?" She says as she feels a fluttering.
'And what about yourself? Nervous? X' he messages her as he has nothing better to do.

Niamh reads the text 'I'm a little worried, I have been given the option in my notes I have to fill out to say if I want to know the gender or not' she replies quickly.

'Well? Do you?' he replies.

Niamh sighs and looks down at her bump 'I'm not sure, would you like to know?' Niamh replies.

'Erm, I guess I would yeah, but it's up to you really' he texts back.Niamh is called into the scanning room so doesn't reply to Joe.

"Hi" she smiles to the nurse who doesn't seem to be giving much chat.
The nurse looks up at her and gives a smile before filling out some forms, Niamh sits in the bed and rolls her top up. She sits there rather fidgetty as she doesn't know weather to find out the gender or not.

"Hey, so how's everything been Ms Walsh?" the young nurse says quite nervously.

"Good yeah" Niamh replies nervous too.

Nothing that you think is abnormal so far? And by the way my name is Kara Hemmingway" she smiles happily at Niamh.

"No not that I'm aware of" Niamh smiles.

The nurse puts the Gel on Niamh's stomach and smiles, "Excited?" She smiles happily.

"Yeah but nervous too" she says

Kara smiles "Nothing to be worried about, now here's baby and well looks at your little stunner, looks like baby is waving hello" The nurse smiles happily at Niamh.

Niamh smiles happily at Kara, "you've certainly got on healthy baby" she smiles as they hear a heartbeat which fills the room.

"Em erm..." Niamh stutters.

"No rush, take a moment and think if you like" Kara smiles.

Kara fills in a few forms and Niamh thinks to herself, "what's the likelihood of the gender being correct?" Niamh questions curiously.

"It's generally always right, there's a very slim chance it's ever wrong" Kara smiles as she looks round at Niamh.

She smiles and Niamh smiles back "Do many people find out the gender?" She questions.

"Yeah many people do, it helps with preparing for when baby comes" Kara explains.

Niamh thinks "well I guess it will help at work, my friend Ellie keeps asking me now blue or pink" Niamh laughs and so does Kara.

"Would you like to know then? No pressute if you don't" Kara smiles.

She nods nervously, "I would maybe it will stop people asking me that question" she says as she shifts on the bed.

"Sure?" Kara asks and Niamh nods.
Kara puts the Doppler back down on Niamh's stomach and smiles.

Kara squints a little, "baby's in a bad position to tell now" she says as she looks at the screen careful watching the baby. "Come on little one roll over for Mummy" Kara says as she loves the Doppler around a bit.
Niamh looks at the screen also as baby starts to move, "Looks like you're having a baby boy, Congratulations" Kara smiles happily at Niamh.

Niamh stares open mouthed at the screen. "A baby...b-boy" she stutters.

Kara laughs and nods "yes your having a boy" she smiles as she prints the photo.

"Thanks" she smiles as Kara hands her the photo.

Niamh wipes the gel off her stomach and smiles, "please don't say anything" Niamh says and Kara looks at her confused as if she's gone mad.

"Say anything about what?" Kara laughs.

"You know who I am right?" Niamh says and Kara shakes her head.
"You don't?" Niamh asks shocked.

She shakes her head "sorry am I meant to know?" She laughs nervously.

"No it's just loads of people tend to know who I am" Niamh laughs nervously.

"I'm sorry I don't" Kara laughs.

"Well that's okay then, forget I daid anything" she smiles.
Kara smiles and hands her the notes she has to take with her.

Niamh walks out of the consultation room and gets her phone out, 'see you soon X' she smiles to herself while texting Joe.

she walks to the nearest tube stop and gets on the tube, she changes twice then gets the train to borehamwood before heading to the studios.

Once at the studios she heads for her dressing room still no reply from Joe.
She realises he is or ably on set so gets herself ready and heads to makeup with her scan.

She heads to makeup still no sign of Joe so she pressumes he's filming...
As she goes around the corner to makeup Joe jumps out on her.

"What the hell are you playing at?" she says he heart racing. "Do you want my waters breaking?" She says as she tries to calm herself down.

Joe laughs hysterically, "I'm sorry, boredom got to me and I heard someone coming. Sorry I didn't know it was you" he laughs.

She smiles a little "so how did everything?" He questions as he watches her rub her bump.

"Alright, i have some news for you" she smiles happily.

"Oh really?" he smiles and Niamh nods.

"Well we aren't need yet, it still Migby and some Zollie like it has been all morning" he says rolling his eyes.

Niamh hands him the scan, "here we go" she says happily to him.

"Let's play a guessing game with daddy" she says as she rubs her bump.
"Guess the gender" Niamh says the smile growing bigger on her face.

"Y-Y-you found out the gender?" He stutters and Niamh nods.

"I plucked up the confidence too yes" Niamh smiles.

"Have a guess first" she giggles.

"Girl?" He questions.

"Try again" she giggles.

A smile grows on Joe's face " A boy! You're having a boy" Joe says happily as he hugs Niamh.

"I am indeed" she smiles as she rests his hand on her bump.

Joe pulls away as he heard someone coming down the corridor and they act normal.

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