Todays the day

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It's five in the morning and Joe has just woken to Niamh messing around in the bathroom. "What are you doing up at this time? Come back to bed" he says as he stands at the bathroom door.

"Washing my hands Matthew had a really dirty nappy" Niamh says.

"Oh right, is he alright?" Joe asks.

Niamh nods "he's just gone down again" Niamh smiles.

Joe nods and smiles and goes back to bed and Niamh follows him. "Now will you sleep?" He asks.

"I can't stop worrying about him" she says as she cuddles up beside Joe in bed.

"He's fine he had a mad half hour last night" Joe smiles.

"When was that?" she asks.

"You was in the bath he was so hyper" Joe says.

"What was he doing?" she laughs.

Joe grabs his phone and shows Niamh the video of him bouncing in his toy and bashing the other toys connected to it.

"See he seems absolutely fine" Joe smiles.

Niamh smiles happily and replays the video as it makes her smile. "Your so cute with him" she coos.

She smiles as she watches Matthew squeal happily and babble away to joe. "That nap did him the world of good when we got him home" Joe says.

"I can see" Niamh smiles.

Niamh smiles and hands Joe's phone back to him, "I'll post it on Facebook for you" he says.

"Yeah do and tag me" she smiles.

"Okay" he smirks as he logs into Facebook.

"So many notifications" he laughs.

"I haven't been on Facebook since Matthew was born" Niamh announces.

"I'm never on it that often either" he says, Niamh smiles and rests her head on his shoulder.

"There we go" he smiles as he tags her in it.

Niamh looks at her phone and smiles before putting it back down. "Sleep, you'll be wrecked if you don't" he says.

Niamh lies down and rests her head on his lap. "I'm going to miss you tomorrow" he says.

"Same I'm going to miss Matty and you" Niamh says.

"But you'll have to FaceTime me" she says.

Joe nods and kisses her head and strokes her ear.

"Did you book a hotel for Scotland?" she asks. He nods and strokes her ear again, "When for?" She asks.

"Next month on the eighth till the fourteenth" Joe smiles.

"I'm going to Malaysia the month after" she says.

"Yes and then two days after you come back you start filming Holby again" Joe smiles.

"Oh...I forgot about that, I was going to go for two weeks instead of one" she says.

"You need to see your first nephew though" Joe smiles.

"Would you mind if I went for two weeks?" she asks.

"No,no please yourself it's fine" he smiles.

"Sure?" she asks.

Joe nods, "I'm really busy at work that week anyway" he says.

Joe kisses her again and strokes her cheek as she continues to rest her head on his lap, then She starts to drop off to sleep again.

A few minutes later there is a knock at the door, "I bet that's Ellie" Joe says as he puts his boxers on and goes downstairs to the door.

"I'm tired" she moans.

Joe opens the door to Ellie who gets a full on view of Joe just in his boxers. "Oh woah" Ellie laughs.

"Oh erm... Yeah... We've only just got up" Joe laughs.

Ellie laughs, "come in" he laughs.

Ellie steps in and pulls her suitcase in and waves goodbye to Kyle. "Niamh's not overly organised because of things that happened yesterday with Matty" he says.

"Oh dear what happened" Ellie says.

"He smacked his head off the floor after rolling off the sofa, so we've been a bit all over the place...we were in A&E last night" he says.

"Ouch I bet that hurt" Ellie says.

"He's very clingy, probably just the shock" he says.

"Is he awake?" Ellie asks.

"Not sure, he wasn't when I came down" Joe says.

"Oh okay... But I'd like a little cuddle before me and Niamh leave" Ellie smiles.

"Yeah course, I'll just go see if Niamh's awake yet" he laughs as he makes his way upstairs and Ellie sits down in the lounge.

Ellie smiles happily and looks at Matthews toys which are up in one corner. "Oh good your awake" Joe says as Niamh is sitting on the bed with Matthew in her arms.

"Who was at the door?" Niamh asks.

"Ellie" he says as he walks over to her.

"Okay" Niamh says as she lifts Matthew up and gets out of bed and holds him against her hip.

Matthew gazes at Niamh and holds onto her tightly. "Let go of mummy hair please Matthew" Niamh says as she tries to pull her hair free.

He let's go and grabs a handful of her pyjama top and rests his head on her shoulder, looking at Joe. "Hey you" Joe smiles.

"He's very clingy Joe" she says as she stands and strokes Matthew's warmish cheek.

"That's because you love your mummy isn't it Matty" Joe says.

"He's still not himself" she says as she starts to get emotional.

"Hey don't cry" he says as he hugs her.

"I don't want to go anymore" she cries into Joe's chest.

Joe rubs her back and kisses her forehead "come on Niamhy you need to have a break, you haven't had a break in six months" Joe says. "You'll have a great time with Ellie" he smiles.

"But my baby" Niamh says.

"He's mine too you know... And I'm sure he can cope with just his good old dad" Joe smiles.
"He will be absolutely fine, sure remember the video I showed you of him last night? Yeah we had good fun didn't we Matty" Joe smiles as he takes Joes finger in his hand.

Matthew looks at Joe and smiles and tries to bite his finger. "Oi trouble!" he laughs.

Niamh kisses Matthews cheek as he starts to babble. "Yes, your telling mummy she'll have loads of fun and she'll not miss either of us one bit!" Joe smiles.

"Joe!" Niamh says as she smacks his shoulder, "of course I will miss you both very much" Niamh says.

"I'm only keeping you going" he smiles. "Now wipe those tears away, I'm making you and Ellie homemade pancakes for breakfast" he smiles as he kisses her.

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