It all comes flooding back

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"Come on" she giggles.

"Patience Niamhy patience babe" he teases.

"Your not turning me on at all" she mutters.

"Aw bless you" he smirks as he knows it's driving her mad.

"Fuck me" she mutters under her breath as she rolls her eyes.

"Calm down now" he laughs as he kisses her chest and rubs her waist.

Niamh wriggled around and tries to move herself closer to what she's after. "We only have an hour" she groans.

Joe laughs and lifts her up around her waist. "What are you doing?" she asks.

"What do you think I'm doing?" He says as he pushes Into her taking her by surprise.

Niamh'a facially expression turns rather quickly. She can't work out if it's pain or pleasure.

"Joe? Stop" she finds herself saying.

Joe stops and looks down at her, "babe what's up? Am I hurting you?" He says.

"I don't know" she says as she starts to get butterflies again.

"Want me to stop fully?" Joe says as he looks down at her.

"No I erm...I'm fine now" she stutters.

Joe smiles and kisses down her neck, he starts to move a little quicker. Niamh is still a little unsure.

But she doesn't say anything as Joe seems to be enjoying himself. "You're such a turn on" he smirks as he goes slightly deeper.

She jolts and smiles at him and bites her lip, "You alright?" he asks and she nods with a fake smil on her face.
"Oh Niamhy I'm not going to last" he says as he moves her quicker and flips her onto her stomach.

She cries out in pain as the memories come flooding back to her with Elliot. "Niamh?" Joe says as he hears a whimper come from her.

He decides to stop, She sits up and hides her face as she cries. Joe starts to feel really bad.

"Babe have I hurt you?" He says as he hands her a dressing gown, She puts it on in flood of tears.

He touches her back and she flinches. "Please talk to me Niamhy" he sighs as he doesn't know what to do.

Niamh starts to shake nervously and her breathing becomes rapid. "I've hurt you haven't I?" Joe says as he starts to panic.

Niamh shakes her head "i-I-I-I-I c-c-can't...b-b-breathe!" Niamh panics as she raises her hand to her neck.

Joe takes her hands as he tries not to panic for Niamh's sake, "deep breathe's Niamh in and out" he says trying to sooth her a little.

She tries to copy him and she grabs his hands as she does so. "There it's okay, I'm here, nice and slowly now" he says. She starts to calm down

"Niamh honestly, did I hurt you?" Joe sighs.

She shakes her head and sits with her head on her hands. Joe gives a sigh of relief, "what's up babe?" he asks.

"I'm such an idiot" Niamh cries.

Niamh looks up at Joe "I'm so sorry, what you did it brought a lot back" Niamh mumbles.

Joe nods, "do you want to explain? Or talk about it?" Joe asks

"What you did... It brought everything flooding back because of Elliot, what he did to me" Niamh cries.

"I'm so sorry Niamh" he sighs.

"Don't be Joe... I want to have that type of relationship we had in the sea earlier" Niamh says.

"But I don't know if I can" she adds as she takes her ring off in floods of tears.

"No" Joe says as he takes them and tries to put it back on.

"But I can't give you what you want" she cries.

Joe hugs her "your enough for me, we have Matthew..I don't  care if we don't have sex as long as I have you" Joe smiles.

"I'm so sorry Joe, I can't" she cries.

"Please Niamh don't do this" he says almost heart broken.

"Let's talk about it" Joe suggests.

Niamh gets up off the bed and goes to her cupboard and grabs a towel, "just having a shower" Niamh announces.

Joe nods, "I'll go see what's up with Matty and try and settle him" Joe says.
She nods and heads to the bathroom.

Joe goes downstairs to Matthew, Chloe smirks at him as he comes down in his pyjamas "have fun?" She giggles.

Joe doesn't know what to say, Chloe looks at Joe an smiles "where's Niamh?" She questions.

"She went for a shower" Joe says.
Chloe smiles as Joe picks up Matthew and cradles him.

Matthew continues to whimper, "what's wrong wee man?" Joe sighs.

"He wouldn't take the bottle Joe and he needed his nappy changed again" Chloe says.

"Oh dear someone's got an upset tummy" Joe coos. "Hey wee man, daddy's here sh sh" Joe says as he cradles him and sits down on the sofa.

He stretches out and cries loudly. "Aw darling it's okay" Joe says as he rocks him.
"Chloe, how many bottles had he had?" he asks.

"Both the bottles Niamh gave me" Chloe replies.

"When was the last time he was fed?" Joe asks.

"Like an hour ago" Chloe says.

Joe nods, "are you hungry wee man?" he says.

Matthew cries even more until Niamh comes down to see what's up.

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