Goodbye for now

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The following morning Niamh has been up since 6am trying to get ready for home. Joe has only just woken up and Niamh has just put the final things in her suit case. "That's the suitcases done" she says as Joe wakens.

"What?" Joe mumbles as he stretches.

"Everything's packed into the suitcases" she says, He nods and slowly sits up and yawns.

"You should have woken me and I would have helped" he says.

"It's okay" Niamh smiles as she picks Matthew up and lies him next to Joe, "here you can change his nappy" Niamh says.

Niamh passes him nappies and a packet of wipes. Joe rubs his eyes and looks down at Matthew.Matthew seems to be half asleep but with one eye open gazing up at Joe, "Trouble" Joe smiles as he undoes his grow.

"What?" Niamh laughs.

"Matthew, he's up to no good" Joe jokes.

"Hilarious" Niamh says as she drinks her glass of water.

"Your all bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning" Joe smiles as he takes Matthew's nappy off.

"I'm off to the toilet, I'll be back in a sec" she says.

He nods and smiles before looking down at Matthew who's just pee'd on the sheets.

"Niamh!" Joe calls.

"What!" Niamh replies.

"Matty's pee'd on the sheets" Joe says.

"Oh great, well just put his nappy on and take the sheets off" Niamh shouts back.

"Sorry" Joe shouts as he wipes Matthew down and puts a nappy on him.

Niamh says no more but Joe hears Niamh flushing the toilet. "Wakey wakey Joe" Niamh says as she comes in to see him half asleep putting his nappy on.

Niamh pulls her top off and starts to get changed as Joe finally gets Matthew's nappy on.

He lays Matthew in his moses basket and takes the sheet off the bed. Once finished Joe takes the sheets down to the laundry room, He comes back up and has a quick shower.

"Joe?" Niamh says curiously
as he comes through with a towel around his waist.

"Yeah what's wrong?" he asks.

"Matty's nappy?" Niamh smirks as she tries not to laugh.

"What's wrong with it?" he says.

"It's on backwards" Niamh laughs.

"Oh right sorry, I was tired" he says.

Niamh giggles and lifts Matthew up so Joe can see what he's done. "Oh I'm sorry son" he says.

"Oh I'm sorry son" he says,Matthew just stares at Joe wide eyed.

"Oh poor baby what did daddy do to you?" Niamh coos.

Matthew looks up at Niamh and sticks his tongue out a little and blows raspberries. "Aw aren't you mummy's little cutiepie" Niamh coos.

She lies him down on the bed and puts him into a clean baby grow. Joe gets changed.

Later on they head downstairs and say their goodbyes to her parents and Chloe which is really emotional for Niamh. "I'll see you in June yeah?" Niamh asks Chloe.

"Yeah" Chloe smiles as she hugs Niamh.

"Call me if you ever feel lonely when Harry's gone or I can maybe get a few tubes and come see you" Niamh says. Chloe nods as they pull away from the hug.

"I guess I'll see you two in June too?" Niamh smiles as she hugs both of her parents.

"Yes of course darling, don't be afraid to call us or FaceTime us, but be considerate of the time" Barbara smiles.

Niamh smiles, "I will" she says.

They head out to the airport taxi and Joe puts the pram frame in the boot along with the two suitcases. "I guess this is it" Niamh sighs.

"Goodbye darling, lovely to see you again. And I'm hoping for more photos of this little chap" Barbara smiles.

"I will" Niamh smiles as she gets into the car with Matthew's car seat.

Joe then secures Matthew into the car and looks back at Niamh. "You alright?" he smiles as she's a little teary.

"No" Niamh mutters as she gets into the car.

"Oh it's alright babe" he says as he kisses her cheek, Niamh waves at her parents and Joe holds her hand.

Niamh sits quietly until they get to the airport. "Niamh?" Joe smiles as he touches her cheek and Niamh snaps out of her day dream, "we're here" he smiles.

Joe gets out of the car and undoes Matthew's carseat and gets it out and hands it to Niamh. Joe gets out of the car and undoes Matthew's carseat and gets it out and hands it to Niamh.

Joe gets the pram out and Niamh connects the car seat to the pram frame as Joe gets the cases out.

They both get into the aiport and check in with their luggage. "Twenty minutes till the flight" Joe says as he checks the tickets and the time.

Niamh nods as they finally get past secruity and are now at their gate. "There aren't many people remind here" Niamh says.

"It is kind of quiet" Joe agrees as he gets Matthew out of the car seat as he is awake now.

"Shall I ask the Stewardess?" Niamh says. Joe nods as he sits Matthew up on his knee.

Matthew flops back against Joe's chest and looks up at Joe "Boo" he smiles. Matthew gives a tiny smile back.

"You'll be a good boy for mummy and daddy won't you?" Joe smiles as he rubs his tummy.
Matthew continues to look up at Joe as Niamh comes back over not looking best impressed at all. "Oh dear what's up with mummy?" he laughs as she sits down next to him.

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