Banana's for breakfast

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It's early morning and Niamh has just got Matthew ready for nursery and he is low sitting in his walker in the lounge. "You look brighter today son" Joe coos as he eats his breakfast.

"Yes he ate all his breakfast and a whole banana" Niamh smiles as se drinks her coffee.

Joe smiles, "good job, it was a struggle to get him to eat there when he was sick, so that's good" he says.

"Oh he's also had a full bottle of formula milk, around four this morning" Niamh says.

"Fatty" Joe laughs.

"I know right" Niamh giggles. Matthew looks at Niamh and walks over to her in his walker.

"Here comes trouble" Joe smiles as he puts his foot on the walker to stop him from catching their toes.

Matthew smiles at Joe and tries to reach for his bowl of cereal. "I'm watching you" Joe smiles.

Matthew giggles, "you can't still be hungry" Niamh laughs. Niamh lifts Matthew out his walker and kisses his cheek, "well you can have a biscuit if your hungry" Niamh smiles.

He grabs a handful or Niamh's top and chews on it. Joe smirks as he sees the top of her bra.

"Oi don't eat my top, I have to go to work sunshine!" she laughs. Matthew squeals as she pulls her top free.

"Oi cheeky chops" Niamh laughs.

"M...mmmmm...Mmm " Matthew gurgles as he pulls Niamh's hair.

"Your noisy" Niamh laughs.

"Mmm....Mmm... Ma!" He says and Niamh gasps.

"Say that again" she says excitedly but Matthew goes quiet.

"Did he just say what I think he said?" Niamh asks Joe in shock.

Joe looks up from his script and shrugs "it sounded like babbles to me" Joe says. Niamh rolls her eyes and Matthew stares at her wide eyed.

Niamh hands him a bottle of water and he drinks it. "Good boy" she smiles.
Joe starts to laugh for no apparent reason, "what you laughing at?" she asks.

"Have you read your script?" he smirks.

"No why?" Niamh panics.

"Read it" he laughs.

Niamh leans over and reads the script "why am I climbing through an ambulance window?" Niamh asks.

"Read on" he laughs.

"Oh the patient locks them self in and collapses and I'm the smallest" she says as she catches on to what's happening.

"Why's that funny?" she asks.

"Read on you numpty" he laughs.

Niamh reads on and looks up at Raf a little. "You have to touch my boobs" she says in shock.

"You have to touch my boobs" she says in shock.

"Let's practice now" he says.

Joe stands up and Niamh looks at him, "poking and prodding" he smirks as he walks towards her.

Niamh sits Matthew back in his walker and he smiles happily. "So what am I meant to do while you do this?" she asks.

"In the real thing?" Niamh asks stunned.

"Yes and now if you like" he smiles.

"Don't I not start off by 'poking and prodding' them?" she laughs.

"What ever it tells you to do on the script babes" he smiles.

"Well I haven't read it yet so you tell me!" Niamh laughs.

Matthew looks at them and starts babbling again, "mmmm" he mumbles and eventually says 'ma' again to Niamh's suprise.

"What do you want" she giggles.

"Read your script and get back to me" he smirks.

Niamh nods and picks her script of and sits down and reads it. Joe sits next to her and finishes off his breakfast as Matthew comes over to them.

"Ma!" He squeals again.

"Yes I'm here" she laughs as she holds his hand while reading the script.

He tries to put her fingers in his mouth "Why did they choose us for this scene?" she laughs.

"Storyline" Joe smiles.

"You poking my boobs fits with the storyline...right okay" she laughs.

"Don't forget it's for the comedy too... They like to add a bit of humour into it too" Joe smiles.

"What's the scene though I still don't get it" she laughs as she reads the script thoroughly.

"We're in the locker room" he smiles.

"Oh I get it now" she laughs as Joe finishes his bowl of cereal and sets it on the coffee table.

"Ey Mr take that into the kitchen, I ain't your maid" Niamh says.

Joe laughs and takes it into the kitchen while Niamh wheels Matthew's walker into the kitchen so she can keep an eye on him while she does the dishes.

Matthew walks himself around and crashed into anything. "Easy darling" Niamh says as he squeals and walks over to her in his walker.

He watches as Niamh puts the banana peel in the bin and squeals again. "Settle down" she laughs as she goes to do the dishes quickly.

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