Twinkle toes

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Ellie rolls her eyes and the taxi stops at the hotel, "Right out you get twinkle toes" Ellie says.

Niamh mumbles something which Ellie doesn't hear before Niamh attempts to get out of the car.

She catches her heel on the taxi step and goes flying. "Ouch" she moans as she lies there for a second.

"Get up" Ellie a giggles as she pays the driver, Niamh slowly gets up with the help of Ellie.

Ellie gets Niamh to their hotel room and Niamh instantly collapses on the bed and falls asleep.

"Night to you too" Ellie says as she pulls the duvet over her slightly.

Niamh sleeps the whole night through and doesn't wake until 10am the following morning. Ellie wakes just before her and starts to pack a bit the stuff she doesn't need for that day.

She looks over at Niamh who is stirring and heard her swearing to herself. She rolls her eyes has a look through some feed on her phone.

"Fuck me what happened last night?" Niamh moans.

"You got drunk...badly drunk" Ellie laughs.

Niamh rubs her forehead and groans to herself. "Hangover?" Ellie laughs.

"I feel like I've been whacked over the head with a brick" Niamh groans and she pulls a pillow over her face.

"I'm sure you do" Ellie laughs.
"Do you remember calling Joe?" she laughs.

"Oh my life... Did he sound pissed off?" She says in shock.

"Yes, he said I wasn't looking after you" Ellie laughs.

Niamh laughs and holds her head "oh my god" she laughs.

Ellie laughs, "nice one you numpty" she laughs

She walks over to the bathroom and grabs a towel "going for a shower... Smell like bloody vodka" Niamh says.

Ellie laughs, "oh dear, not might want to check your phone about what you sent Joe" Ellie sniggers.

Niamh grabs her phone and checks her messages quickly. "Oh my god, what that ain't me?" she moans as she puts her head in her hands.

"What they are your breasts right?" Ellie giggles.

"Stop" Niamh moans as she is embarressed.

"Don't worry Joe loved it" she laughs.

Ellie laughs and continues to look through her phone to wait to grt in the shower.

Niamh has a shower before coming out and drying her hair and getting ready to leave. "Can't believe myself" she says as she starts to pack.

"It's okay... Well you did chat up some guy and he wanted to invite you back for... Well you know... Sex" Ellie laughs.

"Oh no really? Please don't tell Joe" she says.

"Promise I won't" Ellie smiles.

"Thanks" she says.

"Right shall we check out and go for coffee?" She giggles.

Niamh nods and smiles, "what else did I do last night?" she moans as they go to the reception.

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