But shes downstairs

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Joe heads upstairs and walks into the bedroom to see a clear view of Niamh naked.

"Joe!" she laughs as he makes her jump.

"Oh come here" he smiles as he cant help himself. Niamh smiles and wraps the towel around her a bit and goes over to Joe.  "Drop that" he smiles as he pulls it away so she's completely naked in front of him.

"I'm cold though" she laughs.

"I can warm you up" he smiles.

"Okay then" she smiles as she grabs the towel and quickly dries herself.

He smiles and pushes her onto the bed, she looks across at her suitcase "but Ellie is downstairs" she says.

"And?" he smiles.

"This is a bad idea... What if she comes up" Niamh says.

"Calm down...just relax" Joe says.

She bolts upright again and looks at him, "this is wrong" she says.

"Why?" he laughs.

"What if she walks in?" Niamh asks.

"She won't Niamhy" he says.

"Joe I'm soaking wet, I'm making out duvet all wet" she says.

"Don't be so rude" Joe smiles.

"Joe! You know what I mean" she laughs.

"Ten minutes?... Just ten minutes please?" Joe smiles.

"Your desperate...what do you want anyway? Want to bloody finger me?" she laughs.

"Are you being serious?" He says with a slight smile on his face.

"I was joking" she laughs.

"Please Niamhy I promise I'd be gentle" Joe smiles.

Niamh shivers a little as it gives her shivers down her spine. "Babes come on please" he smiles as he strokes her thigh.

"It's kind of just awkward me sitting here though" she laughs.

"What about you kiss me?" He smiles.

"If Ellie walks in though?" she says as she starts to get a bit self-concious and wraps the towel around her slightly.

"Well I can put something against the door" he smiles.

"And what if I can't control myself if she walks in and she sees the whole sha-bang" Niamh says.

"You think all the 'what ifs' Niamhy, relax...she won't" Joe smiles as he strokes her thighs under the towel.

She shudders and bites her lip "Joe I really do love you but... This isn't right with a close friend just downstairs" Niamh says.

"She's busy with Matthew anyway" Joe smiles.

"Your promise me?" Niamh says.

"I promise you, and I'll stop if you're not up for it" he smiles.

She nods and kisses him, She shivers a little at the thought. "You do want to do this right?" Joe asks.

"I'm not fussed" she says.

"So is that yes or a no?" Joe questions.

"Yes but you know I'm not overly good with this stuff since you know..." she sighs.

"He's in the past it's just me now" he smiles as he lies her back and kisses her.

"It's hard to forget you know" she snaps unintentionally.

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