My poor little boy

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Niamh lies down and rolls over as she's extremely tired. Joe gets up to check on Matthew who is awake and whimpering again.

"Hey you" he says as he lifts him up and kisses his head, Joe rubs his back and he burps "oh that was a big burp Matty" Joe smiles.

"Oh dear, tonights the night for the tears eh wee man?" he says as he paces the bedroom with him.

Joe looks over at Niamh who he can just about make out as it's rather dim in the room. "Mummy's gone to sleep I'm afraid so it's just me and you" Joe says as Matthew whines a little.

Joe holds him against his chest and paces up and down the room, before opening a window as it's rather stuffy.
"Even though me and mummy were in a bit of a row we still love you very much" Joe says out loud.

Matthew nuzzles into Joe's chest and opens his one eye, "Boo you rascal" he whispers as he goes and sits down on his side of the bed. He lays Matthew on his chest and Matthew takes hold of his index finger.

"Look at your chubby cheeks I bet your lovely health visitor will be happy" Joe says. Matthew whimpers a little, "what's wrong baby?" he says as he strokes his cheek. He burps again "oh gosh Matty your windy today" Joe smiles.

"That's what's wrong with you isn't it?" Joe says as he sits him upright on his knee and rubs his back in circles. He supports his head and smiles at him, "there we go" Joe smiles. Just as Matthew burps he's sick all over Joe.

He starts to cry rather loudly which wakes Niamh also, Niamh rolls over and turns her lamp on. "What's up?" she asks.

"Watch your hair babe... He's just been sick" Joe says.

"Oh sweetiepie" Niamh says as she gets up out of bed and walks around to them both.

She takes Matthew off Joe and lies him on a disposable changing mat. "Here" she smiles as she hands him a packet of wipes.

"Thanks" he smiles as he cleans himself down.

"Oh deary me what's wrong with mummy's cutiepie?" she days.

Matthew cries as Joe sits up and looks at Niamh who's stripped Matthew naked. "Try his nappy Niamh?" Joe suggests.

Niamh changes his nappy but keeps him without a nappy for a while to cool his bum down. "Watch incase he pees, you know what he's like" Joe laughs.

"These mats absorb water" she says.

"Oh right yeah" he says.
Matthew continues to cry rather loudly.
Niamh rubs his stomach and Joe sits next to her on her phone as he wants to have a look at a photo from earlier.

"Oh baby is your bum sore?" Niamh says as it does look rather red.

Niamh tries her best to sooth him just as Barbara pops her head around to door, she lets them know she's back before leaving them to it. "Oh darling" Niamh says.

"You have 350 notifications and 12 texts" Joe says as he reads her notification bar.

"Oh goodness, I haven't had time at all" she laughs.

"It makes me happy to see that beautiful smile on your face again" Joe blushes as he smiles.

"You can read them if you like?" Niamh giggles. "Read them out loud till I see if I can get him settled" Niamh smiles as she sits and strokes Matthew's cheek.

"Ellie texts to see how your doing and that she has managed to damage a ligament in her arm" Joe reads.
"Your agents rang five times Niamhy" Joe says.

"Whoops" she giggles.

"Oh you have a lot of tweets about Matthew from last month Niamh! Oh... Your agents left a text 'hi Niamh I know your busy with the new baby but I have a two episode appearance in Silent Witness up here it's a police officer role and they want you... Give me a ring when you get this'!" Joe reads.
"There you go" Joe smiles happily at her.

"Oh I will have to ring her back in a few hours" Niamh smiles as she continues to stroke Matthew's cheek. 

"What else have I got? I haven't look at my notifications in's on do not disturb" she giggles.

"Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, automatic updates, 3 emails and well that's pretty much it" Joe says as Niamh puts a nappy on Matthew.

"What's happening on twitter?" she asks.

"100 new followers, loads of people are tweeting you about Matthew" Joe smiles.

Niamh smiles, "I'll have to read through my notifcations some time" she says as lifts Matthew up who is now whimpering.

Joe nods and puts her phone down and watches her walk around the bedroom with Matthew in her arms. "He's really agitated tonight isn't he" Joe says.

"Tell me about it, Joe will you have a read up on it please?" Niamh says a little concerned.

"Yeah hang on until I find my phone" he says.

"Just look it up on mine" she smiles.

Niamh bounces Matthew a little who's started to cry louder. "Well what did you find?" Niamh asks as she walks over to Joe.

"Does he have blue hands or feet?" Joe questions.

"No he's very warm though" Niamh informs him.

"Rashes anywhere?" Joe asks.

"I'm not sure" Niamh says.

"Check him" Joe says.

Niamh lies him down on the bed, "a wee bit on his tummy" she says.

"Does it look like heat rash or something else?" Joe questions.

"Good point and he's roasting too" Niamh says as Matthew continues to cry.

Matthew lets out a loud cry as Niamh strokes his stomach, "oh baby I know" Niamh says as she tries to sooth him.
"Do you have anything for it? A cream or something?" Niamh asks Joe as she lifts Matthew up again.

Joe shakes his head "no unfortunately, why don't I go ask your mum?" Joe says.

Niamh nods, "I'll come too it's cooler downstairs" she says.

Niamh takes Matthew downstairs with her, she holds him against her chest as he seems a little calmer in this position.

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