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"Easy for you to say you can stand back and watch!" she snaps as she cries out in pain again at another contraction.

"Niamh how far apart are your contractions now?" Emma questions.

"I don't know I've lost track" she moans as she bounces herself a little.

"Right can I check" she questions. Niamh nods and lies back on the bed, Emma puts a set of gloves on and examines her.

Emma puts a set of gloves on and examines her, "Right so your only around 3 centimetres dilated" Emma informs Niamh who isn't at all impressed.

"What the hell does that mean?" Niamh moans as she throws her head back onto the pillow.

Emma smiles at Joe who is smirking "oh it means baby isn't ready just yet" she smiles.

"What do you mean not ready? My waters have broken!!" she says.

"Baby had to make its way down the birth canal first Niamh" Emma says.

Niamh starts to panic even more, "so I have to wait like this?" she moans.

She nods "but we can give you pain relief if you need it, and well c-section is a last resort seeing how healthy you are and if baby is in any immediate danger we shall perform one" Emma replies

Niamh looks up at Joe with a panicked look on her face, "but what happens if he makes an appearance tomorrow, that's Christmas Day" she panics.

Joe smiles at her "well as long as you don't think he's the sun of God or anything" he smiles and strokes her arm. Niamh smiles a little at him.

"Now what type of pain relief do you want? We can give you a cannula and you can have a dose of paracetamol or gas and air?" Emma says.

Niamh looks at Joe completly clueless. Joe smiles at her "what do you want?" He says to her.

"I don't really know" she mumbles.

"What's best?" Joe says as he turns to Emma.

"Gas and air can make you a bit crazy" Emma laughs. "But really it's up to you" she smiles.

"That will do" she says as she hasn't got time and the patients at the moment to think properly.

"Just try to relax" Emma smiles as she goes to get a Nurse to give Niamh pain relief.

A few hours on Emma comes back to check on Niamh, "How are you feeling Niamh?" Emma asks in a sympathetic tone.

"Like someone's trying to rip me in two" she moans as she looks over at Joe who is dozing in the chair next to her.

Emma tries not to laugh but gives Niamh a sympathetic smile. "Right I'm going to check how your progressing in things" Emma says as she grabs a get of latex gloves.

"It won't hurt will it?" she moans as she is extreamly uncomfortable.

"I can't promise that Niamh" Emma smiles and Niamh groans. Emma checks Niamh over then covers her back up and takes her gloves off. "Right your now 6 centimetres dilated, not long now" she smiles.

"But how long?" Niamh moans. "The pain relief isn't doing much help" she says.

"I can't say now long, it's up to baby how long. It could be 2 hours time it could be 12 hours depending on how he's progressing" Emma says.

"Why don't you try get some sleep?" Emma suggests.

"Well I shall try, well it looks like Joe has found time for the land of nod in such a tense situation" Niamh moans.
Emma smiles and leaves Niamh to it. She rubs her bump a little, "you either hurry up pain or take your time and stop giving mummy pain!" Niamh moans.

Niamh closes her eyes and rests her hands on her bump and tries to sleep.
She slowly drifts off to sleep. The next thing Niamh knows she is woken by a door slamming in a room down the corridor, she bolts upright causing Joe to jump.

"What's wrong babe?" he says as he takes her hand and strokes it.

"Nothing just a bad dream" she mumbles as she winces and rubs her bump.

He kisses her head, "can we change the subject and talk about something else?" she moans.

"Just got a text from Ellie she asked how you were and that girl you met outside the studios tweeted us thanking us for stopping" he smiles at her.

She sits up on the bed and tries not to think about the pain, "that's nice" she smiles. Niamh rubs her bump and moves herself so she is sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Woah woah where do you think you're going?" he laughs.

"I need to walk" she moans.

"Right okay well nice and easy" he says. She gets up and leans against the bed before walking around the room while Joe sits and eats a mars bar.

"Want a bite?" he asks with a mouthful of it.

She shakes her head and moans and she leans against the table at the end of the bed.

"Glass of water or anything?" he asks

"Mmmph... Please" she moans.

"I'll go grab you a bottle" he smiles as he kisses her head. She tries to smile and bend over again and moans even more.

"Will you be alright for 5 minutes?" he asks. She nods and he leaves the room and Emma enters.

"How is she?" Emma asks as she is met by Joe.

"I don't know she's trying to hide the pain which is written across her face" he says.

"I'll have a chat with her" Emma says.

"She's grumpy as hell" Joe laughs and Emma laughs also.

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