For Mummy and Daddy

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"Yes crack a smile gorgeous" he smiles as he looks up at her.
She smiles and gets up as their lunch break is over.

"Are you sure your okay?" she asks as she hugs him tightly.

"I will know later if any of my teeth fall out, I never knew you could punch like that" he laughs.

"I'm so sorry Joe" she says as she starts to tear up again. They head back to set and continue filming.

Joe keeps a close eye on her as she does seem to get slightly frustrated again with her lines.

They finally finish for the day and head back to Niamh's. She doesn't say a word the while journey home which is unlike her.

"Niamh what's-" he is once again cut off by Niamh.

"I need a cold drink" she says randomly.

"Why?" he asks rather curiously.

He glanced at her and sees that she is rubbing her bump again, "Just need one" she mutters.

"Niamhy there's something up what is it?" he asks in a calm tone as he doesn't want to get punched again.

They pull up and Niamh gets out and fiddles with her house keys and accidentally drops them.
She picks then up and walks inside without peeping a word.
Joe follows her in with his over night bag and watches as Niamh rushes to the kitchen and runs the tap.

He follows her as he still has no idea what's going on. "Niamh!?" He says as he puts his bag down and watches Niamh grab a glass.

"Hey what's up?" he asks.

She quickly downs the glass of ice cold water, and starts to rub her bump "come on, come on baby don't scare mummy" she mutters.

"Niamh what's wrong? Haven't you felt him kick?" he asks. She shakes her head slightly.

She starts to cry, "not since I went off on one at work" she mumbles.

"You should of told me" he says as he rubs her bump.

"Listen don't panic and keep taking ice cold glasses of water okay?" he says and Niamh nods.

She gets another drink and two biscuits and goes and sits down.

Joe follows her and tries not to panic as he knows if he panics she will panic even more.

"I bet this little man is just sleeping" Joe smiles as he rubs her bump again.

"Come one wee man give mummy and daddy a good strong kick" he smiles as he strokes Niamh's bump.

Niamh jolts a little, "oh hello" she says.

"See nothing to worry about" Joe smiles as he pulls her into a hug. Niamh smiles and hugs Joe back.

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