Morning fuss

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"Niamh how long have you been awake?" Joe moans as he rolls over to see her searching the bedroom for her script.

"Oh I don't know why" she asks in a rushed tone.

He watches her "your not doing yourself and favours by not sleeping" he says as he watches her rub her bump and search the bedroom.

"No I have slept, I'm fine, wide awake now, just something on my mind" she says as she scrabbles around the bedroom.

Joe continues to watch her, she looks at him to see him smiling at her "what?!" She almost instantly snaps at him.

"What on earth are you looking for?" he asks.

She huffs and stands up straight from her crouched down position, "my script, what else would I be looking for" she says sarcastically.

"I haven't learnt my lines and we're filming that standalone today" she says in a panicked tone.

Joe smiles at her "you'll have plenty of time" he smiles as he rolls and looks at his phone.

"Joe I know none of them!" she says starting to get a bit flustered.

Niamh looks at him again, "Niamh please sit down, your sending me dizzy, you need to rest your not doing the baby any good" he mumbles.

"Joe I'm six months pregnant, don't dying or disabled" she says as she starts to feel really offended by him.

"Do you want to borrow mine?" he asks to see if it will settle her slightly as she seems all over the place.

She shakes her head "no I have all my notes in and oh did I tell you there's been a last minute script change" she says as she grabs her phone and shows him the email.

"Don't you read your emails?" she says while he is reading it.

He nods "I don't tend to read them though at three in the morning" he says back to her.

"Come back to bed babe I'll have a look later see if I can find it" he smiles hoping she would settle soon.

She looks back at him again, "I need the toilet" and with that she dashed off to the toilet.

Joe rolls his eyes and gets up to see if he can find her script to stop her from being so adjitated.
He looks under the bed and instantly finds it and places it on her dressing table.

"This what you would be looking for?" he asks as she comes back from the toilet.

"Oh my yes! Where was that?" she says as she takes it out of his hands.

"Under the bed" he smiles at her and Niamh finally seems to relax.

"Your a lifesaver!" she smiles as she cups his cheeks and gives him a kiss before climbing into bed.

"Now sleep for another hour" Joe demands as he's still really tired.

"No you've got to be joking I better get learning" she smiles as she starts to read through the script with her bedside lamp on.

Joe rolls his eyes as he is really starting to get annoyed, "why don't we get up early and learn them together?" he says in as calm a tone as possible.

Niamh looks at him and then looks down at her script, "Niamh I will take the bulb out of you don't sleep" he says as he tries not to get annoyed with her.
"Put it away and sleep" he groans into the pillow.

She huffs and throws her script down to the floor and rolls over and turns her lamp out. Joe sighs before drifting off to sleep again.

Two hours later his alarm goes off and Niamh is still fast asleep.

He stops it as quickly as possible hoping she'd sleep a while longer.
He pulls himself out of bed and goes for a shower.

Once he comes back through to her he sees she is still asleep, he knew she was absolutely wrecked. But he also knows he has to wake her now, "Niamh? Niamh?" He says softly as he shakes her shoulder.

"Ugh what?" she mumbles as she rubs her eyes.

"Time to get up" he smiles as he goes and opens the blinds to see its still dark out.

"Flip! My lines!" she says as she grabs her script book and starts scanning through it.

He laughs at her "right get dressed and I'll make you some breakfast" he smiles as he kisses her forehead.

"I don't know any of them, Joe, I'm gonna make a mess of this today!" she panics.

He smiles at her "don't worry remember we do it over a week so no hurry" he smiles as he leaves the bedroom. She rubs her eyes and jumps in the shower quickly.

When she's finally dressed and ready to go they leave the house and set off for work, Niamh has her toast in some tin foil to eat on the way and Joe has his travel cup full of tea as Coffee is still a no go when Niamh's around.

She starts to panic again, "Joe I don't know these" she panics as she looks up at him.

"You've got an excuse but try your hardest" he says as he glances over at her. "Don't panic you'll make matters worse for you and baby" he smiles as he rubs her knee. She sits back a little as she seems a little on edge today, "remember what the doctor said you need to keep yourself stress free and calm because blood pressure and all" Joe smiles.
Niamh nods and tries to calm herself down as she knows she has gone a little overboard this morning.

They arrive on work and are both pull straight to costume and makeup. Niamh is still anxious and agitated about her lines.
"Right Jamie will be taking you out to location, we've managed to get a street in Elstree for you to use" a runner smiles at Niamh as she reads the request cards.Niamh nods and smiles.

"How's the baby?" The runner questions as she decides to make conversation with Niamh while waiting for transport.

"Been playing me about a lot" she sighs as she rubs her bump.

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