Thank you for coming

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"Haven't you got to be in work again?" Niamh asks.

"Nope, I've taken the day off, this was serious enough when you rang me" he says.

"But what about filming don't they need you?" Niamh asks.

"Yeah I know" he says.

"What are they going to do about your scenes?" Niamh asks.

"I've got it covered...don't you have enough to worry about" he smiles as they back home and get into the house.

Niamh sits Matthew on the floor and sits on the sofa "Joe I'm not going to Ireland with Ellie tomorrow" Niamh says. I'm

"Why?" he asks.

"Because of Matthew" Niamh says.

"Matthew and I will be absolutely fine...and you will go and have fun with Ellie and I will FaceTime you loads" he smiles.

"Sure?" Niamh questions.

"I'm sure" he smiles.

Niamh smiles and kisses his cheek "I feel so guilty about everything today" Niamh huffs.

"Don't be, he's fine" Joe smiles.

Niamh smiles again and watches Matthew. "Are you tired wee man?" she coos.

"Maybe you should put him to bed" Joe suggests.

"Yeah I was going to" she says. "Shall I put him in our room?" Niamh asks.

Joe nods and smiles and Niamh picks Matthew up. "Come on precious let's put you to bed" Niamh smiles.

Matthew babbles as Niamh lifts him up. "Oh you want to talk to me now" Niamh smiles.

He rests his head on Niamh's shoulder, Niamh smiles and takes him upstairs and lies him in the Moses basket.

"Night night sweetiepie" she coos as she kisses him lightly and gets up to see Joe standing there.

"Oh hello" Niamh whispers.
Joe smiles and sits down on the bed and she goes and sits beside him.

"He's out for it" Niamh whispers as she leans against him.

"Not suprised, he probably just needa a good sleep" Joe says.

Niamh smiles happily and leans against him "thank you for coming today" she whispers.

"It's fine and I realised we are ahead of schedule again" he says as he rubs her shoulder.

Niamh smiles and cuddles up to him "I'm so tried" she whispers.

"Me too, it's likely he could keep us up tonight" Joe says as he kisses her head.

She nods and lies back on the bed.

"Well I'm getting ready for bed" he smiles as he kisses her cheek.

"I shall join you
In that one" she whispers.

Joe smiles as he gets ready for bed.

Once ready for bed he sits on the bed watching Niamh remove her makeup.

"You know you're really pretty without it" he smiles.

"No I'm not" she blushes.

"You really are, you should wear no makeup more often" he says.

"Are you really sure about that one?" Niamh asks.

"Yeah of course I am...I don't tend to lie Niamh" he laughs.

"Whatever you say Mr" Niamh smiles.

"I'm being deadly serious" he says as he gets into bed.

Niamh smiles and gets into bed herself.

"You okay?" he smiles as she cuddles up to him and he holds her waist.

"Your warm" Niamh smiles.

Joe smiles and plays with her hair.

"Your hair is so soft babe" he whispers against her head.

"Thanks" she mumbles as she closes her eyes as it's nice and relaxing.

He continues to play with her hair and breathes lightly against her head.

"Today was such a shock, thanks for being there" she whispers.

"Your welcome" he smiles as he runs his hand down her side.

"Promise me you'll FaceTime me when I'm away with Ellie tomorrow" she says.

"I promise" Joe smiles.

"Thanks, I love you and you know I'm always here for you" she says.

"Same goes for you Niamhy" Joe whispers.

Niamh smiles and they both eventually drift off to sleep.

Roll camerasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora