Look Matthew

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Matthew starts to waken as they head into tescos. "Hello sleepy" Niamh smiles.

"Right let's see what food mummy could buy you" Niamh says as she teaches in and puts his dummy back into his mouth in which he takes hold of Niamh's hand.

"Oh dear someone's straining" Joe says as he can see Matthew holding his breath.

"You've got a firm grip sunshine" Niamh laughs.

Matthew looks at Niamh and does take his eyes off her. "Can I have my finger back sweetie?" she laughs.

Matthew keeps hold of her finger and doesn't want to let go. She watches as his face goes bright red "Joe" Niamh says as she watches Matthew.

"What?" he asks as he is looking at the baby food.

"Look at him" Niamh giggles.

"He's concentrating" Joe smirks.

Niamh laughs "straining more like" Niamh says.

"Indeed" he laughs.

"That reminds me Joe can you get some of them sensitive baby wipes please" she smiles.

He nods and smiles and goes to get them while Niamh looks at the food.
"I will get two of these sweet potato and Parsnip and a Broccoli and cheese one" Niamh says as she tries to find something that he may eat.

Matthew starts babbling away to Niamh. Niamh smiles at him "what you want" she giggles.

"You tell mummy a story" Joe coos as he comes up behind Niamh and puts his arms around her waist.

She giggles and kisses him as she turns around, "ready? Matthew needs his nappy changing and I want to bath him tonight" niamh says.

"Jesus that will be one hell of a nappy" Joe laughs as they make their way to the checkout and pay for the things.

"It reeks, glad we're only around the corner now" Niamh giggles.
"Alright smelly bum" Niamh laughs as Matthew has gone all quiet again.

Once out the shop they dash home so Niamh can change Matthew. "You'll certainly be needing a bath" Niamh says as they finally get home and she gets him out of the pram and lies him on his changing mat.

Matthew wriggles and tries to roll over but Niamh holds him down. "You're not going anywhere till mummy get's you cleaned" Niamh says as she undoes his nappy tags.

Matthew smiles as Niamh wipes him bum. "There that's more comfy now isn't it" Niamh says as she buttons his fresh vest up as his nappy had leaked a little.

Matthew smiles and kicks his legs and he rolls over onto his tummy. "Hello rascal, did you get your nappy changed?" Joe says.

Matthew giggles and looks up at Joe. Niamh lifts him up and he kicks his legs, "are you feeling better cutie?" Niamh says as she sits down next to Joe with him.

Matthew reaches for Joe so he lifts Matthew off Niamh. "Alright smelly bottom" Joe laughs, Matthew giggles and leans on Joe's chest and starts to suck on his chin.

Niamh laughs at him, "alright son?" Joe laughs.

Niamh grabs her phone and takes a few photos and then gets a close up one of Matthew, he looks completely innocent which makes Niamh giggles. "This one is defiantly going on Instagram" Niamh giggles.

"You alright there Matthew?" Niamh laughs as he puts his hands on Joe's cheeks.

Niamh smiles happily as she puts it on Instagram 'I have one crazy five month old, sucking on Daddy's chin... #crazybaby #fivemonths'.

She posts it and looks over at Matthew and Joe again, Matthew has his hands on his cheeks and is drooling everywhere.

"Slabbers are flying from you kiddo" Joe laughs.

Niamh wipes Joe's chin and Matthew mouth and smiles, He continues to suck on Joe's chin, "go suck on mummy's chin" he laughs.

He moves Matthew into Niamh and he sits there quietly and sucks on his fingers.

"Shall we get you a bath before you fall asleep?" Niamh says, She stands and takes Matthew upstairs.

She wipes his nose again which makes him whine, "yes I know baby" she says.

"We can splash in the bath now Matty" Niamh says as she tests the temperature of the water, She puts him in and he looks up at Niamh.

"And mummy will take her top off so you can splash as much as you like" she giggles.

"Ooh well I think I'll have to join too" Joe smiles as he comes in.

Matthew just sits and stares at Niamh, "I'm nothing special Matty, your constantly in a gaze at me" she laughs.

"Your his mummy" Joe smiles.

Niamh smiles, "look let's play...look at the bubbles" she says but Matthew's eyes are well and truly glued to Niamh.

She scoops the bubbles and puts them on Matthew head, He doesn't really react and just watches her "Matty" Niamh giggles.

"Matthew look at the bubbles" Joe says as he scoops some in his hands.

"It's not going work Joe he's glued to me" she giggles.

"Right well let's wash your hair wee man" Joe says.

Joe lies Matthew down and washes his hair and he finally takes his eyes off Niamh.

He starts to whimper as he doesn't like get his hair washed but Niamh strokes his hand which settles him a little.
Joe sits him back up and Matthew rubs his eyes.

"Maybe your just tired and want your bedtime cuddles and your bottle?" Niamh says.

Niamh washes him down and grabs his Winnie the Pooh towel and wraps him up in it.

"All done" Niamh says as she dries him off and gets him ready for bed.

Matthew sits on the bed and watches Niamh as she gets herself ready for bed.

"Well in truly very insterested in you Niamhy" Joe laughs.

"Matthew mummy isn't going anywhere" she says as she gets her pyjamas on and sits next to him.

Matthew lies down and takes his dummy off her. "Good boy, are you tired?" Niamh says as she pulls him over for a cuddle.

Matthew lies on her chest and holds her pyjama top. "Shall we get daddy to get you some warm milk?" Niamh coos.

Joe gets up and goes downstairs and heats a bottle of milk up.

Niamh strokes Matthew's back, "Your mummy's precious little man" Niamh smiles.
"I love you very much" she coos.

Joe comes back up and gives Niamh the bottle, she sits up and feeds a half asleep Matthew his bottle and he starts to doze even more as she feeds him.

"Aw sleepy baby" Niamh coos as he's now well and truly out for the count.
Niamh stands and lies him in his Moses basket before getting back into bed.

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