Its a 48 hour thing

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Niamh falls asleep and when she wakes Joe is standing over her with Matthew in his arms.

"Hello sleepy head" he smiles as she looks up at him.

"You didn't call me" she says.

"Oh I called you about eight times but gathered you was sleeping so I came straight home" he smiles.

"I'm so glad your home" she says as she sits up.

"I have been all day and I've vomitted twice too" she says.

Joe smiles and kisses her cheek, "get some sleep yeah?" Joe says.

"I'll look after Matthew and I'll get you some cocodamol and a glass of water" he smiles as she lies back down.

She nods and looks at Joe "I'm so sorry" She whispers.

"Sorry for what babe?" he asks.

"Being ill and dragging you Out of work" she says.

"Oh don't be silly, you can't help it!" he says.

She hugs him and Joe kisses her head, He takes Matthew downstairs and Niamh heads off to sleep again.

"Oh dear mummy's poorly" Joe says as he gets a bottle of water for Matthew, Matthew gurgles a little and looks up at Joe.

"Oh your happy aren't you" Joe smiles. "Where you sick for mummy too?" Joe says as he feeds Matthew his bottle of water.

Matthew kicks his legs and puts his hands on Joe's as Joe holds the bottle to his mouth. Joe smiles at him happily "Getting a big boy now aren't you Matty?" Joe coos as he watches Matthew attempt to hold his bottle.

Joe smiles as he strokes Matthew's hand, Matthew looks around as he drinks his bottle.

"Poor mummy eh?" Joe says.

Matthew stops drinking and moves his mouth away from the teat, Joe sits him up in his arms.

Matthew looks around and tries to eat his foot, "Hey don't do that you rascal" Joe laughs.

Matthew looks up at Joe innocently and dribbles a little. Joe offers him his dummy back. Matthew takes it and puts it in his mouth and sucks on it.

"Good boy" Joe smiles as he strokes his cheek. Joe looks at Matthew just as he hears Niamh running to the toilet upstairs.

"Oh dear mummy's being sick again" he says as he gathers that's what's up.

He listens closely and he can just about her Niamh being sick. "Let's get her some tablets and a drink" Joe says.

Joe gets up and makes Niamh a drink and finds some paracetamol out. He heads upstairs to her and sets them on her bedside table.

"Oh?" Niamh says as he comes back through to the bedroom.

"Just something for your possible headache... Oh and I'm sleeping in the spare room with Matthew tonight give you some space" Joe smiles.

"Why?" No I'm fine honestly" she says.

"Give you time to recover" Joe says.

"Oh okay" she says.

He smiles and leaves the room and takes Matthew downstairs again, He watches some TV as Matthew is asleep also.

Later on he makes himself some dinner as he's feeling rather hungry. He makes himself something light as he isn't that hungry, Matthew remains asleep as he eats his soup.

Niamh comes down about an hour later. "Oh hello" Joe says as Niamh comes into the lounge.

"Can I have a cuddle?" she mumbles.

"Course" he smiles as he opens his arms to her. "Aw come here babe" he says as she looks really sick.

Niamh walks over to him and cuddles up to him. "How you feeling?" he asks as he strokes her arm.

"Awful" she says.

"Oh dear" Joe says as he cuddles her and rubs her arm as she is shivering.

Niamh is really quiet but just lies against Joes chest.

"How was work?" she asks.

"Alright busy but good" Joe smiles.

Niamh smiles a little, "I hope I'm well enough for the read through on Wednesday" Niamh says.

"We will get you better don't worry, it's a bug going round" he says.

Niamh nods and cuddles into his side, Joe looks down at Matthew who is asleep in his moses basket.

Niamh smiles "bless him, he's had his spark knocked out of him" Niamh says.

"I know he's not himself" Joe says, Niamh looks up at Joe and smiles.

"Thanks for coming home today" she says as she strokes his hand.

"Your welcome" he smiles and kisses her cheek.

"I love you" she smiles.

"I love you too babe" he smiles.

Niamh smiles happily at him before shifting and starting to feel sick again, "I'll be back in a sec" she says as she moves swiftly to the toilet.

Joe listens as he hears her turn on the bathroom light and then her being sick into the toilet.

It makes him gag a little and almost feel sick himself. He puts his hand across his mouth and breathes.

She comes back again to see him doing that, "what's wrong? Are you feeling sick?" she asks.

"No just tired" he says.

"Are you sure? You've gone quite pale" she says.

"You think so?" He says.

Niamh nods, "are you sure you're okay?" she asks.

He nods "I'm fine" he smiles.

"As long as you are sure" she says giving a faint smile.

He strokes her hair and smiles happily. "I hate being sick" she moans.

Joe kisses her head "I know you don't" he says.

"You are lucky you feel okay, me and Matty are the sickos" she sighs.

Joe smiles "ready for bed?" He says.

She nods, "it's been a long day, an early night would do us all no harm" she says.

Joe nods and picks Matthew up off the floor and they go up.

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