Apply and leave for an hour aprox

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"Right well go fix your hair whatever your doing with it now and leave that fan mail and you can do it later or tomorrow" he smiles.

"What?" he laughs as she has no facial expression whatsoever..

"Fix my hair... What's wrong with it?" She laughs.

"Well go do whatever your going to do with it" he laughs.

"Well I was going to have a shower" Niamh smiles.

"Oh so you're not doing it tonight?" he asks.

"Yeah I have to have a shower once I've done it" Niamh rolls her eyes.

"Oh well I do apologise I don't know, I don't tend to go dyeing my hair" he laughs.

"Yeah your going grey" she giggles.

"Shut up!" he says. "You just wait till the day you find a grey hair and then I'll tease you" he smirks.

"You're so cheeky to me" she laughs. Joe smiles at her as she gets up "but cheeky is defiantly the new sexy" Niamh smirks.

Joe laughs, "well I'm tired, I didn't sleep much last slept through Matty crying so I was up quite a bit" he says.

Niamh smiles and kisses him, "You can go to bed now, I won't make much noise" she smiles.

"What you planning on doing... Huh?... Have sex with me while I'm asleep" he teases.

Niamh rolls her eyes, "you think you're hilarious don't you" she says.

"Aww baby thanks for noticing" Joe giggles.

"Noticed long ago sunshine" she says.

Joe laughs and gets up and takes Matthew upstairs.

"Forgetting something?" she laughs as she comes upstairs with Matthew's warm milk. She throws it at Joe and he catches it from her.

"Woah that was close" Joe says as a bit of the milk leaks.

"Sorry" she apologises.

Joe puts Matthew in his cot and goes and lies on the bed. She quickly gets into her pyjamas and dressing gown and kneel over the bed to Joe and gives him a kiss, "night then" she smiles.

Joe kisses her back and cups her cheeks. She smiles at him, "when do you and Ellie go to Ireland?" he asks.

"This Friday" Niamh smiles. "Have you got Friday off to look after Matty?" she asks.

He nods "I'm taking you to the airport remember" he smiles. She nods and smiles before heading to the bathroom.

Niamh opens the hair dye and takes her top off. She reads the packaging carefully as she doesn't want to screw it up.

She applies the hair dye and leaves it for an hour. Joe dozes off a little but not a heavy sleep as he can hear Niamh in the bathroom.

She comes back through and sits on the bed for an hour to let the hair dye work. Joe wakens as he can't really sleep.

"You okay?" Niamh asks as she looks up from her iPad.

"Yeah I'm fine just can't sleep" he says.

"Oh sorry am I keeping you awake?" Niamh says.

"No no it's fine, I haven't slept great lately" he says.

Niamh locks her iPad and looks at Joe "what's on your mind then?" Niamh asks.

"A whole lot of things...but I'm fine" he smiles.

"Spill..." Niamh says. "Joseph McFadden talk to me!" Niamh demands.

"I'm fine honestly Niamh" he says as he gets up to go to the toilet.

She gets up and follows him "is it about your mum?" She asks as she follows him into the bathroom.

Joe doesn't reply but goes to the toilet. Niamh stands there watching him waiting for an answer "I'm waiting you know..." she says.

"Your very distracting... Can I pee in peace... Please?" Joe replies, Niamh rolls her eyes and leaves him be.

A few minutes later Joe comes out of the bathroom. Niamh sets her iPad down again, "so what's up?" she asks.

"Nothing ... Just stop with the questions" Joe huffs.

"What's gotten into you?" she laughs as she can tell he's grumpy now.

"Nothing, just stop being irritating" Joe says as he gets back into bed.

"Oh gosh someone's on their period" Niamh giggles. "Between Matthew being grumpy and you...woah where do I start?" she laughs, Joe doesn't reply but rolls over.

"I'm only teasing you, come on you know you can talk to me" she says as she rubs his shoulder.

Joe doesn't say again again but just lies there. Niamh rolls her eyes, "oh forgoodness sake men these days" she laughs, "Anyone would think your on your period how touchy your being" Niamh says as she gets up. "Why don't you ever talk to me when I ask?" she says.

Joe just huffs and looks at the wall, "You know what if your going to play silent treatment... Two can play it that game" Niamh says as she heads to the bathroom.

He sits up and throws a pillow at the wall, "fucksake" he mutters.

Niamh hears the pillow hit the wall but ignores it and goes and washes her dye out.

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