Sorry ain't gonna cut it

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"I'm sorry ain't gonna cut it for me Harry! Tell me what you were gonna say to me" Chloe screams.

"Chloe that's enough Joe can't get Matthew settled" Niamh says.

"Shut up Niamh" Chloe snaps.

"No I won't Chloe!" Niamh shouts.

"Go and feed Matthew or something" Chloe says

"Do not speak to me like that" Niamh shouts.

"Just did" Chloe smirks.

Niamh controls herself to be the bigger person, "Right Chloe that's enough, shut your mouth for one minute until Harry can speak" Niamh snaps.

Chloe stares at Niamh, "oh Chloe I was going to say that I wasn't going to leave you we just need to think about our future" he says.

"What was you going to say?" she asks curiously.

"I love you" Harry says to Chloe.

"I meant about our future" she says.

"I'm going to go on this exchange and then we can make a go of things? I'll take that job at my dads yard and we can make a go of things" he smiles.

"What do you mean make a go of things? What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Chloe screams.

"Less of the screaming Chloe, Jesus Christ" Niamh says. "I have a baby who will be as grouchy as heck if he doesn't sleep before we fly tomorrow" Niamh adds.

"And low on be hold I will have to cope with that! Not you me!" Niamh snaps.

Joe knocks on the door to see if everything's alright.  Niamh moves away from the door and lets him in, "any chance of keeping the noise down, please?" Joe asks as Matthew is still screaming.

"I'll be through in a moment" Niamh smiles.

Joe nods and smiles and Niamh shuts the door again, "right Harry explain to her what you meant" Niamh says.

"We can make us with a baby work Chlo, I promise I will help" he says.

"How long is you exchange and where to?" Chloe huffs.

"Five months in Spain and Germany, but i will be back before the baby is born" Harry says.

"So you're leaving me that whole time?" Chloe says as she starts to cry a little.

"We can FaceTime when ever I get time babe I promise" he says.

"What happens if the baby's early?" Chloe asks.

"It won't though" he smiles.

"But you don't know that" Chloe says.

"You have no health issues so I don't see the baby coming so early" he smiles.

"My sisters a midwife, you'll be okay...I promise as long as you let me back in and help" Harry says as he opens his arms out hoping she'll hug him.

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