A grizzly Matthew

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It's early morning and Joe has gone to work and Niamh is sat in bed with Matthew fast asleep on the bed next to her.

"I'd rather be in work now, this whole maternity leave is getting on my nerves when you aren't here" she laughs as she looks through her phone.

Niamh looks up as Joe hasn't replied and then she realises he's gone to work early "...oh" she says.

She laughs to herself before looking back down at her phone, "Mummy is going insane Matty" Niamh smiles.

She smiles as she watches him sleep so peacefully, Niamh smiles at him and strokes his hand. "Oh kiddo, I miss working" she sighs. Matthew continues to sleep and Niamh sits watching him, "some days Matty I wonder if you are really mine" she smiles.

She smiles happily and decides to have a look through her twitter feed, She likes a few tweets and replies to a few before deciding to get out of bed.

He starts to cry before Niamh lifts him up, "Oh Matty" Niamh soothes as she bounces him a little.

Niamh takes him downstairs and makes them both some breakfast, "Look mummy's making your so warm milk and we can try some porridge again" Niamh says as he won't stop crying.

Niamh bounces him and he soon settles. "Oh dear you aren't at all happy are you" Niamh says.

"What's wrong my darling?" she coos.

Matthew sucks on her pyjama top and cries. "Maybe it's that nappy rash again or your eczema has flared up" Niamh says as she thinks to herself.

Niamh pulls her top away and takes the small bowl of porridge and his milk to the lounge. She sits him up on her knee but he continues to whine and kick his legs.

"Looks like you've woken in a bad mood" Niamh says as she tries to feed him. "Take after your daddy on that one son" she laughs.

Niamh feeds him some of his breakfast and milk. "There's mummy's good boy" she coos. Matthew sticks his tongue out and licks his lips "was that nice baby" Niamh coos.

Matthew looks at Niamh before grabbing her pyjama top again. "Oi mucky hands" Niamh laughs.

He puts it in his mouth and sucks on it, Niamh smiles at him and gets a packet of wipes out.

He babbles and tries to pull himself up on Niamh's knee. Niamh smiles "your getting adventurous" Niamh smiles.

He sucks on his fingers and pulls Niamh's pyjama top. "Shall we go get you bathed little man?" Niamh coos.

Niamh takes the bowl back to the kitchen and takes him upstairs for his bath.

She lies him in his Cot as she fills the bath. He babbles away to her, "what a story that was?" she says as she strips him.

Matthew babbles even more and smiles happily at her. "Right let's get you in the bath before you pee on me" she laughs.

She sits Matthew on the foam baby board for the bath and sits down beside the bath. He watches Niamh and doesn't take his eyes off her.

"Right baby lets get this porridge out your hair" Niamh smiles.

She starts to wash his hair, Niamh starts to wash his hair and Matthew starts to kick off big time. "It's alright darling" Niamh says trying to settle him.

Matthew cries and tries to sit up, "Ah you're a little rascal for mummy!" Niamh says.

Matthew cries persistently and looks up at Niamh. "Aw what's wrong with my baby boo" she coos.

Matthew cries as she finishes washing him down and lifts him out the bath. She dries him off hoping he will settle soon.

She puts his nappy on and kisses his head, "right let mummy get you some clothes" Niamh coos.

She gets him some clothes and puts them on him, Matthew soon settled when he's dry and dressed. Niamh lays him on her bed while she gets herself sorted.

She tries her hair up and pulls on some clothes, and for the first time in ages she's put on something she wore before she was pregnant. She lifts Matthew up and takes him downstairs.

Niamh lies him on his play Mat and goes and makes herself a coffee. She listens as he babbles away.

Niamh smiles to herself and pours the water. She grabs her phone and the mug and goes back into him. "What you doing cheeky chops" Niamh coos.

He kicks his legs and waves his arms about, "happier now are we?" she laughs.

Matthew rolls himself onto his tummy and looks up at Niamh. "Hello you rascal" she smiles as she reads her phone while watching him.

Matthew wriggles on his stomach over to Niamh and rests his head on her foot.

"Do you want up beside me?" she laughs, Matthew looks up at Niamh and gurgles. Niamh lifts him up on her knee.

Matthew sits sucking on his fist looking around the room. Niamh cuddles him and reads through her phone.

He watches her on his phone and stares at the home screen. He squeals and kicks his legs as he recognises himself and Niamh in the home screen.

"It's that you Matthew?" Niamh coos.

He giggles at her and sucks his fingers, Niamh kisses his cheek and locks her phone.

Niamh smiles at him happiy as he babbles away. "Well mummy needs to pop down the shop fancy coming for a walk?" Niamh smiles as she stands up with him, She lifts him up and goes to get his buggy.

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