Trip to the chemist

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"Chloe come here a sec" Niamh smiles as she sees Chloe sitting on the sofa.
Chloe follows Niamh out into the hall.

"Want to come with me, keep me company?" Niamh smiles.

"Where too?" Chloe says.

"The chemist, Joe's having a shower and Matthew's asleep" Niamh says as she sticks a pair of flip flops on. Chloe nods and Niamh pops her head around the door to her parents, "me and Chloe are just popping out" she smiles.

"See you later" Barbara smiles.

"Mum, Joe's just having a shower and Matthew's asleep...but could you keep an eye on him, he's in the kitchen in his car seat as it's cooler in there" Niamh smiles.

Barbara smiles and Brian looks at Niamh, "you wouldn't be able to get a bottle of milk while your there someone's drank it all" Brian smiles.

Niamh laughs, "will do" she smiles. Chloe and Niamh head out and they take the long way to the shops. "So tell me does Harry know?" Niamh asks.
Chloe shakes her head, "Are you worried Chlo?" Niamh asks as she is very quiet.

Chloe nods "Niall will kill me and Harry... Niall is Harry's best mate" Chloe mutters.

"Oh don't be silly" Niamh says.

"I really hope I'm not pregnant, I've got another two years left of uni" Chloe mutters

"It's really not that bad Chlo" Niamh says.

"You made out like it was really bad... Your whole pregnancy" Chloe says.

Niamh laughs "that was mine... Yours and everyone else's on this planet could be totally different."

"I just don't see myself being a mum" she sighs.

"Neither did I Chlo" Niamh admits.

"But look at me mummy Walsh" Niamh giggles to cheer Chloe up a little.

Chloe raises an eyebrow "Niamh seriously?... That's proper cringe" Chloe giggles.

"Chloe your not a baby anymore your 22 this week for goddess sake" Niamh points out.

They walk in silence for a bit, "Niamhy?" Chloe says.

"Yeah, what is it?" Niamh asks.

"Tell me honestly what's it like being a mum to Matthew?" Chloe says.

"Right, well it can be stressful at times. When he was born I was worrying about him non stop, don't get me wrong I still worry about him now but not as much. Joe is also a big help, well to be quite honest he is his daddy's boy" Niamh laughs.

"Why did you worry about him?" Chloe says curiously.

"Just because he was a new born, and when he would wake for feeds just the simple things" Niamh says.

Chloe smiles at her "you worried over feeding him?" She says.

"Yeah at the start but it's wee buns now" Niamh says. Chloe smiles at Niamh as they get to the chemist and go in.

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