Tipped over the edge

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"You should of text me, I'll help out it's no problem at all" he smiles.

Niamh looks at him "I didn't want to bother you, I'm sure I can figure a way around this without any help, maybe if I give up eating and you know hot water" she smiles as she grabs a tray and gets some food.

"Your joking right?" Joe asks slightly panicked.

"I'm not joking" she says as she sits down at the table with some of the Eastenders cast who are on lunch too.

"Wise up you edjit, you have to eat!" he says.

"Well I could just buy own brands which are cheaper" she smiles with a mouthful of a sandwich.

"Erm no I'll help you with money!" Joe says.

Niamh looks at him, "Joe!" She says as she doesn't want him to give her any money.

"Yes that's my name, nice to meet you Niamh" he smirks.

She prods him with the spoon she has, "you are not helping me with money, your just the Father" she says quietly
As she doesn't like the fuss.

"Niamh come on if I'm playing daddy I can give you money, end of story" he says.

She huffs and continues eating, "FYI, I can do this on my own" she mumbles as she starts to become a little teary.

"Right okay" Joe says as he feels she is pushing him away "Niamh your not pushing me away that easily" he says as he rests his hand on her knee under the table.

Niamh huffs with him and moves her leg so that his hand isn't touching it no more. He watches her eat rather slowly.
"Please don't push me away" he says.

Niamh doesn't say anything to him for a good few minutes, "I didn't go to the police" she says.

Joe stands up and doesn't quite catch what she has just said. "Joe?" She says nervously.

"Feel like talking to me now?" he huffs.

She stands up and looks at him, "Joe you were the one I'm doing this for" she says nervously, "Elliot... If he finds out what the truth is and that I went to the police he'll kill me" she stutters.

"Oh so you didn't go?" he asks. Niamh starts to tear up a little.

She shakes her head "I couldn't" she mutters.

Joe rolls his eyes, "well let's take this somewhere else" Joe says still in a mood with her. She looks around the canteen and walks off.

"Erm hello?" Joe says as she walks off.

He chases after her and grabs her and pulls her to a side. "Oh god Niamh please don't cry" he says as he looks at her sympathetically.

"Oh god Niamh please don't cry" he says as he looks at her sympathetically.

She looks down at the floor "what do you care? I might as well let him kill me, stop fighting back? Because at the moment I... I... I feel so lost... So without purpose, I don't know if... I can even go on, I can't cope he hurts me so much... In the time I've been with him he's fractured my wrist, jaw, eight ribs and my thumb" she cries hysterically.

"Settle yourself come with me sweetheart" he says before looking to see if anyones around before taking her hand.

Niamh looks at him, "you have no idea how messed up I am, my life and in here!" She says as she points to her head.

"Sshh" he says as he finally gets her to his dressing room. She makes herself that upset that she grabs the bin and is sick.

Joe kneels down to her, "Calm down you'll stress baby out for starters"
She doesn't listen to him as she has her head between her legs being sick into the bin.
"Niamh come on deep breaths" he says rubbing her knee.

She cries even more, "why am I even here still?" She questions as she looks up at him.

"Because you've got a baby who you are going to bring up and because well I erm...love you" he says and starts to blush.

Niamh looks away and holds her stomach. "Don't push me away babe please" Joe pleads.

She looks at him "I just don't want you to get yourself hurt, he's dangerous Joe" Niamh whispers under her breath.

"I won't I'll stay safe don't you worry about me, it's yourself and this baby you should be worry about" he says.

"This baby is going to need you more than ever Niamh, don't you dare do anything stupid now" he says as he kisses her cheek and rests his hand on her stomach.
"Why didn't you go to the police? You've got to, you'll be safe then" Joe explains.

"Honestly Joe, I'm scared of what they will think" she mumbles.

"Will think of what?" Joe asks.

"Me... I mean Elliot is known for twisting things" she mumbles.

"Well you've got evidence haven't you?" he says as he looks down at her bruised arms.

She nods a little, "will you come with me?" She questions.

"Of course I will" he says as he stand up and hugs her. She hugs him back before they are called back onto set.
"After work?" he whispers. She nods and makes her way to set.

Joe keeps a close eye on her as she isn't herself. By the end of the day Niamh seems herself a little more, he notices that she keeps stroking her small bump through out the day.

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