This is what family life is like

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"Sure your sure?" she asks as she pokes his ribs to tease him.

"Yes" he sighs.

"Oi...tell me what's up right now" she demands.

"Looks it's just... Ahh never mind" he says as he turns to see Niamh's smiling face.

"No go's just what?" she asks.

"I just never really knew what family life was like... Until I met you and we had Matthew" he mutters. Niamh smiles and cuddles him tightly as he does seem rather upset about the whole thing.

"Having Matthew was the best thing that ever happened" Joe smiles.

"Hmm so I keep telling myself" she giggles.

Joe kisses her head "Ellie will be here soon" Joe says.

"He's well and truly in a deep sleep" she smiles.

"Just wanted his mummy that was all" he smiles.

Niamh smiles, "thanks for today" she smiles.

"Your very welcome" he smiles as he holds her around her waist.

"And you haven't even got your final present yet" he smiles.

"Oh and what's that?... Please don't tell me it's sex" she laughs.

Joe laughs, "no it's not...but it could be" he laughs.

"What is it then tell me?" She begs.

"Dinner" he smiles.

"Oh i knew about that... That's hardly a present" she laughs.

"Cheeky" he laughs.

"What?" Niamh laughs.

"No you have another present aswell but I'm not telling" he smiles.

"Is it for when we're alone?" Niamh flirts.

"Kind of...yes" he explains.

"Ooo... Kinky" she giggles.

Joe smiles and goes to let Ellie in as she has just rang the doorbell, Joe let's her in "hi" joe smiles.

"Hey and where's the birthday girl" Ellie smiles.

"Through the back... Having a drink" Joe smiles.

Ellie smiles and goes through to the kitchen, "happy birthday!!" she smiles.

"Aww El... Thank you" Niamh says as she hugs Ellie, "where's Kyle?" Niamh adds.

"He said he would pop round later" she smiles.

Niamh nods and smiles and she pulls away from the hug. "Well first of all poor Matty's got eczema and nappy rash" Niamh says.

"Oh dear" Ellie says as she heads through to the lounge with Niamh.

"He should sleep for a few more hours until waken for either he's filled his nappy or he's hungry" she says.

Ellie nods and looks down at Matthew who's on the floor. "If he doesn't settle give me or Joe a call and we can come home" she smiles.

"Ahh I'm sure I can handle it" Ellie replies as Joe puts his shoes on.

"There's some bottles in the fridge for him and help yourself to anything" Niamh smiles.

"Might have a look for your kinky photo album" Ellie teases.

Niamh laughs and smiles, "Ready?" Joe asks as she pulls her jacket on.

She nods and smiles..."see you later" she says.

Ellie nods and sits down as they leave, "So McFadden...where are you taking me? Somewhere nice?" she giggles.

"So Mrs McFadden to be" he teases as he takes her hand, She smiles and looks down at her ring.

"We're going to the Hix dining bar in Soho" Joe smiles as he pulls her Oyster card out his jacket as they get to the tube station.

"Ooh sounds lovely" she smiles.

"Only the best for my princess" he smiles.

Niamh giggles and smiles at him and takes Joe's hand, "I love you" she smiles.

"Aw I love you too" she smiles.

Joe laughs and kisses her cheek as they wait for the tube. Niamh smiles as he hugs her waist from behind.

"No I'm not, I'm a shorty" she laughs as they get onto the tube.

"This dress really brings out your eyes baby" he smiles as he sits her on his knee as it's rather fully.

"You really think so?" she smiles.

Joe kisses her neck "of course" he says.

She smiles, "people are watching us, stop it" she blushes.

"And what? They will find out sooner or later" Joe smirks.

"I guess" she says as she relaxes a little.

He holds her around the waist as the tube moves. She smiles, "hope Matthew's okay for Ellie" she says.

"He'll be fine, knowing Matty he will sleep the night through now" Niamh laughs.

"Indeed" he smiles.

"He's so lazy" Niamh laughs.

"He really is" Joe laughs.

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