Day Nursery arrival

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Joe takes Matthew into the kitchen and sits him in his high chair. "Niamh do you want coffee?" he shouts to her assuming she's in the lounge.

"I've already got one" she shouts back.

"Have you eaten?" he asks making sure she has.

"Yeah" she replies.

She comes into him in the kitchen and puts her mug in the dishwasher. "Where's the plate?" He asks

"Already put it in the dishwasher" she lies.

He smiles and gets Matthews baby porridge out. Matthew stares at Niamh in a daze and chews his fist.

Niamh goes over to him and kisses his head. He grabs Niamh's finger and holds it tightly, "aw mummy's sick boy" she coos as she sits on a breakfast stool beside her.

She strokes his head and smiles happily. "Right sicko, eat some porridge for me" Joe says as he comes over.

"Joe don't call him that" Niamh says.

"Why?" he laughs as he sets the bowl infront of Matthew.

"Because it isn't nice" Niamh says.

"Sorry son" Joe says as he rolls his eyes.

Matthew tries to dunk his hand in his bowl but Niamh stops him. He start to whine again, "oh baby let's get this into you" she says as she lifts the spoon and feeds him it.

Niamh feeds Matthew who is really hungry and every time he has a mouthful he bags the tray for more. "Right wee man let's get you ready to go" Niamh says.

Niamh lifts Matthew out the high chair and kisses his head. "Oh you are very chesty" Niamh says

Joe smiles and comes over to her and smiles "ready to go?" He asks as he's got all Matthews things together.

She takes a deep breath, "think so" she says.

They head out to the car and Niamh secures Matthew in his seat. He gives a big cough and coughs up some phelm which he starts to cry at.

"Oh dear baby" Niamh says as she rubs his back. "There it's okay" Niamh says as she shuts the door and gets into the front.

Joe kisses Niamh's cheek as he gets in and puts his seat belt on. "You okay?" he asks as they head of to Matthew's day nursery.

"Yeah stomach ache that's all" Niamh says.

"Oh dear, sorry if I embaressed you earlier" he says.

"It's okay" she giggles.

Joe laughs, "I reckon you was after something Miss Walsh" he teases.

She blushes and looks out the window. "Aw you all embaressed now" he smirks.

"You told me to relax...and well I did" she says.

"I like the relaxed you... Your sexy when your relaxed" he smiles.

"I like the relaxed me too" she smiles.

Around twenty minutes later...

"Joe it's left just turn left" Niamh says as she's got google maps up.

"Yeah I think a I know where abouts we are now" he smiles.

"Yeah it was back there" Niamh says.

Joe nods and heads back to the nursery. Niamh smiles a little as they pull up.

"Right kiddo" Joe says as he gets out and grabs his changing back while Niamh gets him out of his car seat.

"Oh you are windy" Niamh smiles as Matthew burps.

"Look at that nose, how on earth you can get air in I don't know" Niamh says as he is breathing really heavily.

she pulls Matthews tissue out her pocket and wipes his nose again. She rubs his back again as he seems very windy.

"Come on then Mr" Niamh smiles and she rests him with his head on her shoulder and carries into into the day nursery.

He starts to cry a little before burping and being sick all down Niamh's top. "Niamh?" Joe says as he's walking behind her.

"Crap" she says as she turns around to Joe.

"Here let me" he says as he cleans most of it off.

"Oh darling I know, that's not nice" she coos.

Once cleaned up Niamh and Joe take him into the day nursery. "Right wee man, we'll see you later" Niamh says.

She hands him over to the Nursery Nurse and he instantly starts to cry. He starts to reach out to Niamh again.

"Mummy has got to go to work sweetie" Niamh says

"Come on he'll settle when we leave" Joe says as he takes Niamhs hand.

Niamh kisses Matthews head and Joe pulls at her arm and then walk towards the door.

"Aw he's so sick" Niamh sighs.

"He'll be fine" Joe smiles.

Niamh smiles a little before getting into the car and not saying a word. Joe rests his hand on her knee and smiles at her.

"What's up?" he asks. She bites her lip and shakes her head. "What's up?" he asks as it's not like her to be quiet.

"This feels bad, I shouldn't be leaving him, he's only seven months old" Niamh says.

"Well I'm afraid we have to, I don't want to either" he says.

"Yes but it's different for you, I've been with him everyday since birth and you've only been here weekends or when you get time off" Niamh says.

"Yes I know, I'm sure he'll sleep for most of the day anyway, and besides your only working a half day today" he says.

Niamh doesn't say anything and Joe drives them to the studios. Joe strokes her knee as he drives.

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