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A few weeks later Elliot is back from the traveling theatre and he has set into Niamh a few times since then.
He wakes to Niamh in the bathroom being sick, he wondered what was wrong with her as she had been sick a lot lately.
He goes through to her and watches her, "what's going on Niamh!?" He questions and Niamh jumps as she hears him.

She turns around looking a little flushed, "just not feeling great" she says.

"For the past two weeks?" He says curiously.

"Yeah feeling a bit rough" she mumbles.

"A bit?!" he says. "More like a lot" he says as he sits on the edge of the bath and watches her as she puts the plug in the bath and runs the water.

"Yes but I'm" fine she mumbles.
Elliot stands and watches her for a while.

"I'm having a bath" she smiles faintly as she checks the temperature of the water.

"Yes I can see that Niamh" he says unaware that she wants him to leave the room.

"Can I be on my own for a bit?" she asks in as nice a way as possible.

Elliot look at her "whys that? I've hardly seen you" he says as he kneels down next to Niamh.

"Okay stay then but I'm having a bath" she says giving a fake smile.

"Niamh what is going on with you?" He snaps as he finally looses it.

"Nothing I just feel sick" she says.
He grabs her hand and makes her look at him.

"I swear Elliot it's just some silly bug I've caught" she lies.
Elliot raises his eyebrow and walks out of the bathroom.

Niamh goes to the bathroom door and locks it. She sits on the edge of the bath and drops the bath bomb into the water and watches it fizz up.
She hears Elliot knock rapidly on the door, "what is it?" Niamh calls and rolls her eyes.

He knocks again, "Niamh who's socks are these?" He questions.

"Niamh tell me the truth, 'he' hasn't been round again has he?" He shouts as she hears him messing with the lock from the outside.

"It was for learning a scene, I forgot my script and needed one" she lies her voice trembling.

Elliot looks at her "so Joe brought you one and he took his socks off?" Elliot shouts as bursts in.

"He got too warm" Niamh lies.

Elliot walks over to her and looks down at her as she's sitting on the floor.
"Please Elliot that's the truth" Niamh mumbles.

He grabs the back of her neck, "you lying bitch, you slept with him again, haven't you?!" Elliot shouts.

"No! I didn't" she lies trying to stand up for herself. He looks at her and grips her tighter.

Niamh stands there trembling trying not to cry in pain, "Elliot please that hurts" she says.

"Well you hurt me so I'm going to hurt you" he shouts as he pushes her head into the bath and under the water.

Niamh tries to come back up using her hands but he takes a firm grip of them also. She pull him under too which only aggravates the situation even more.

She tries to pull herself out but Elliot has too a firm grip. She thrashes around trying to make him let go, he pulls her up and then dunks her again.

She does the same to him, but it irritates him even more and he takes a firm grip of her neck again. Niamh tries to pull herself up as she can't breathe, Elliot pulls her up again "so what do you have to say for yourself?" He says angrily.

She starts to hyperventalate as she can't catch her breath, "I'm...I'm..." she stutters not being able to get the words out. Elliot pushes her back under and grabs her hands so she can't do the same to him.

"Stupid cow" he mutters under his breath.

He pulls her back up "I'm...I'm ...pregnant" she says as she gasps for air.

"Your what?" he shouts.

Niamh starts to cry "I'm having a baby" she says in floods of tears, Elliot drops her like a rag doll and walks out.She continues to cry to herself not knowing what to do and still gasping for air.

She leans over and grabs her towel and wipes her face before getting up, as she gets up she slips and grabs the sink.
She hears Elliot walk out and slams the front door behind him, he was gone and she had no one.
Niamh looks down at the floor and then notices small splashes of blood.

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