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He takes her hand and Niamh leads him down to the beach but also they stop off at a bar on the beach front.

" you like it here?" Niamh asks curiously, Joe nods and gives her hand a squeeze.

"I love the beach" Niamh says happily.

Joe smiles "so do I" he says. Joe smiles at her as he can see how happy she is.

She looses his hand and takes her Roman sandals off and smirks at Joe, "race you" she says quickly as she dashed off down the beach.

Joe runs after her just a few steps behind, He catches up with her and grabs her around her waist and lifts her up, Niamh squeals as Joe does so.

"Set me down" she squeals.
She kicks her legs up and squeals even more before Joe quitens her with a kiss.

She pulls away rather quickly, "I'm too heavy" she moans.

"No your not your my little munchkin" he smiles as he kisses her passionately. "I mean pumpkin" he smirks.

Niamh punches him playfully and Joe grabs her wrist and wrestles her to the ground playfully. "I've got sand in my hair now" she frowns.
Joe smirks and straddles her lap and kisses her."Joe are people watching us?" she giggles. Joe looks up and around before shaking his head and leaning back down to kiss her neck.

He pulls away and smiles at her, "what?" she giggles.

"Race you into the sea, last one has to change a real dirty nappy of Matty's" he smirks as he is up and already running leaving Niamh still lying on the sand.

Niamh gets up and runs into the sea and manages to catch up with him, "I'm like a race horse" she shouts and then suddenly trips and face plants the sand.

"Nice one you edjit" he laughs as he goes and helps her up. She smirks and kicks his legs from under him and races to the sea.

Joe only looses his balance a little and chases after her, Niamh squeals as she sees him coming up behind her and quickly pulls her top off and heads for the sea.

Joe runs after her and puts his arms around her waist. She tries to wriggle away but Joe keeps her close, "Joe!" She shrieks.

"Yes that's my name" he smirks.

He lifts her up into the bridal carry and takes her into the sea, "don't be a bully" she giggles.

"Ooh shush you" he smiles, "nice bikini sexy" he smirks. Niamh blushes and Joe drops her down in the water.

She squeals as the water is cold at first, She pulls joes trousers down and giggles. "What the hell are you doing?" he says.

"Come on" she giggles as she undos her bikini top and quickly chucks it back onto the sand.

Joe's eyes widen as she does so, She smirks and looks at him. "Big" he stutters.

"Talking about yourself again Joe?" Niamh giggles.

"Nope" he says as he continues to stare at her as she bobs up and down in the water.

Niamh smiles at him and looks up at him "you going to sit down or what?" She smiles.

He sits down next to her, "Jesus Niamh it's cold" he says.

"Wise up and sit down you edjit" she giggles.

Joe leans over and kisses her cheek. "Aw aren't you cute" Niamh giggles.

"Niamh?" Joe says.

"Yeah?" She smiles.

"I love you" he replies.

"I love you too" she smiles.

Joe pulls Niamh onto his lap and kisses her. "There big" he smirks.

"I only just gave birth a few months ago what do you expect" Niamh mumbles.

Joe smirks to himself and kisses down her neck. He messes with her bikini bottoms under the water.

"Hey what you doing" she giggles.

"What you did to me" he smirks.

"What I did to you?" She says

"Just shut up and kiss me you fool" he smiles as he kisses her passionately and she does also.

Niamh wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. She pulls away and smiles and watches the sunset for a bit, "isn't it gorgeous?" she smiles.
Joe nods and smiles he loved seeing Niamh this happy, he felt as if home was her comfort zone.

He rests his chin on her shoulder and listens to her breathing. "I'm so happy you came" she says as she turns her head and looks at him.

"Me too" he smiles happily at her.

Joe starts to stare at her again as he can't take his eyes off her. Niamh doesn't realise this as she looking at the sunset "Do you think Matthew is alright?" Niamh says.

Joe doesn't answer her as he is in a day dream looking at her. Niamh looks at him "fuck you" she says.

Niamh makes Joe jump, "wow what's wrong with you?" he asks.

"You bloody well know what's wrong" she says as she gets up.

"Hey I'm sorry I erm...was a little distracted" he admits openly.

Niamh rolls her eyes "yeah you should be" she snaps and heads up to the beach to grab her things.

Joe rolls her eyes and waits a minute or two before getting up and following her hoping she has cooled off. "Niamh baby talk to me" he says as he grabs his top and shoes.

"No I fucking way your more interested in my breasts fuck sake Joe" she gives him a mouthful as she goes up the beach.

"Just forget it Joe, get in the house and go to bed when we are home" she says.

"What?" He says.

"Don't speak to me, just go straight to bed" she says.

"Fine be that way but I won't be the one getting up in the night when you can't settle Matthew" Joe snaps back.

"That's fine, I'm sure one night he can do without his daddy, you clearly don't give two fucks about him" Niamh snaps.

"Niamh-" he says.

"Shut up... All you wanted me for was the sex that's all just a simple and easy fuck... You didn't want the babies bit at all you just took advantage of me" Niamh shouts.

Joe stops her and holds her hands with a firm grip, "why would I be here if I didn't want 'the babies' bit?" Joe says trying to prove a point.

"Get off me" she snaps.

"Fine" he says before walking back to the house. Niamh goes in the house first and slams the door in Joe's face.

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