Twisting things

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They all head back home and Chloe goes to lie down on the sofa. Niamh goes for a shower leaving Joe with Matthew in the sun room, He sits in the sun room with Harry who has Chloe's head on his lap. They sit in an awkward silence.

"Alright?" Harry questions trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah and yourself?" Joe asks.

"Yeah... Is it all how Niamh makes out?" Harry says.

Joe nods, "yeah all she said was and is true" Joe says.

Harry gives a concerned look, "oh" he says as he looks down at Chloe.

"It'll be fine though" Joe smiles.

"I feel really bad though" Harry says.

"Why?" Joe asks curiously.

"I was going to leave her... But I feel obliged to stay with her now" Harry replies.

"You what?" Joe says as his mouth drops. "Why the hell did you come here then?" Joe says.

He shrugs "what am I meant to tell Emma ? I mean she thought I was going to end it" Harry says.

"Who the hell is Emma? Is this another girlfriend of yours?" Joe frowns.

"Who's she to you? Huh?" Harry says.

"Kind of is something to me, Chloe's still young and she's pregnant with your child" Joe says in a raised tone of voice.

Matthew whimpers as he does, "I mean don't you feel tied down with a baby and a girlfriend badgering on all the time?" Harry says.

"Eh no, my life isn't just dedicated to Matthew" Joe says.

Joe looks down at Matthew and rocks him slowly, "You don't want to be here do you? You'd rather be out without the baby on your mind 24'7" Harry says.

"No actually, I've really enjoyed my few weeks here with Niamh, why what are you trying to say?" he asks.

"Your a bit old for her aren't you?" He says.

"No!" Joe shouts.
Matthew lets out a loud cry and Chloe jolts awake.

"What on earth is going on you two?" she moans as Niamh walks in also.

"Nothing" Harry says.

"Joe what's happened?" Niamh asks as she comes over to him.

"Yeah what Harry said nothing" Joe says as he gets up and leaves the sun room, Niamh follows after him.

"Joe!" Niamh calls as she runs to catch up with him.

"What?" he asks as he turns around.

"Here let me have Matty, and you can tell me what the hell is going on?" Niamh says.

"Nothing" he says as he hands Matthew to Niamh.

"Joe McFadden! Tell me" Niamh demands.

"Upstairs?" he suggests.

Niamh nods and heads upstairs. "So spill" she says as she shuts the door.

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