Hose pipe

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Joe lifts Matthew out of his walker and sits him on Niamh's stomach. "Oi" Niamh laughs a little startled as Matthew pulls Niamh's top up more showing her bra.

Joe laughs "see I'm not the only fan" he smirks.

Niamh smiles a little at Joe, Matthew squeals and pats Niamh's chest and pulls at her top.

"Don't do that please" Niamh says as she tries to stop him.

Joe smirks as Matthew is entertained by her trying to stop him. Matthew grabs Niamhs bra cup and starts pulling at it and giggling before burying his head into her chest.

"Oi you leave mummy alone" Joe says. Matthew whimpers a little as he starts to get too warm.

"Oh dear you warm" Niamh says.

"Let's strip you down to your nappy eh?" Niamh says as she turns him around and takes his top and shorts off.

Matthew squeals and whines as Niamh catches Matthews ear while pulling his top off.

"Oh dear I'm sorry, let me kiss it better sweetie" Niamh coos as Matthew whines and holds his ear once she has got it off.
"Oh I'm so sorry baby" Niamh says as Matthew cries hysterically.

"Oh dear" Joe says as he gets up to go get something to cool Matthew down while Niamh takes his shorts off.

Joe soon comes out with a washing up bowl full of cool yet warm water. "What's that?" Niamh asks bewildered.

"Water" Joe replies.

"For what?" Niamh asks.

"Matthew" he says.

"Why?" she asks.

"Cool him down, now take his nappy off" Joe says.

Matthew continues to whimper on Niamh's knee, "I know darling I know" she coos as she takes his nappy off.

Joe puts the bowl down on the grass and Niamh walks over to him. "Look now isn't this nice and cooly?" she asks.

She puts Matthew down in the water and he squeals with delight and looks up at Joe.

"Like that don't you son?" Joe smiles.

Niamh sits beside him and watches him incase he topples backwards. He giggles and smiles at them both.

Niamh smiles happily and strokes his head. Matthew gurgles and splashes the water as Joe sits down next to him on the grass also.

Niamh laughs as he splashes himself. "Careful" Niamh laughs as ahe gets back up and sits down on her chair.

Joe smiles up at her as he keeps his hand on Matthews back. Matthew continues to splash and giggles as Joe sits with him.

"Someones having fun" Niamh laughs.

Joe laughs at Matthew and continues to watch him. Matthew smiles and Joe takes a few photos of him.

Matthew sneezes into the water which startles him. "Oh deary me" Joe laughs as he rubs his back.

Niamh smiles a little and glances over at them. Matthew babbles away and watches Joe. "I need the toilet shall I get mummy to watch you?" He smirks.

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