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Meanwhile Niamh is getting ready for bed. "You are Joe seemed pretty awkward... Is everything okay?" Ellie asks.

"Yeah  we're fine" she mumbles.

"Niamh I know you...come on spill" Ellie says.

"Sex isn't my cup of tea" Niamh admits.

"Really? Why's that? The sex talk seemed really awkward...that tensions" Ellie laughs.

"I don't know I always push him away when he comes onto me" Niamh says.

"Oh Niamh why?" Ellie asks.

"It's not really that fun Ellie" Niamh says as she gets shivers down her spine.

"What isn't he the size you was expecting in the downstairs department?" Ellie sniggers.

"No no, trust me he is" Niamh laughs.

"Oh is he too big?" Ellie smirks.

"No Ellie!!" Niamh laughs.

"So why are you complaining?" She asks.

"I'm not, it's just not my type of fun" she says.

"Oh would you like some of my top tips to a happy sex life?" Ellie smirks.

"No not really" Niamh cringes.

"Oh go on" Ellie laughs and just ignores Niamh as she gets her jammies on.

"I'd rather you not" Niamh cringes.

"Maybe try four-play too" Ellie smiles.

"Sorry what?" Niamh says as she gets into bed.

"Four-play... Touch each other up before anything serious?" Ellie starts, "Like in the kitchen this morning" Ellie laughs.

"Oh wow" Niamh laughs.

"Get your hands down his trousers give him a good feel... I'm sure he'll appreciate that" Ellie says.

"Right okay..." Niamh laughs.

"Be spontaneous..." Ellie says.

Niamh laughs, "why do you do all this?" she laughs.

She nods and laughs "all the time."

"What else do you do?" Niamh laughs as her eyes widen.

"Niamh Walsh well I never... Told you'd like to know" Ellie laughs.

"Well you were telling me rather outgoingly there so..." Niamh laughs.

"Also don't let Joe take control, a women must do every now and then" she adds.

"Yeah I know that" Niamh laughs.

"Do you ever take control?" Ellie asks, "oh and a key is sexy underwear... It's a must" Ellie adds.

"Ellie considering it's been like forever since me and Joe were sexually active...I can't even remember" Niamh says.

"What about when he got you pregnant... Did you take control then?" Ellie questions.

"Ellie that was ages ago" she mumbles as she thinks back to the time things went wrong in Malaysia.

"Well you need to get back into bed with him" Ellie says.

"Why?" Niamh asks.

"Because it's good stress relief" Ellie smiles.

"I think I'd prefer to take Kalms" Niamh says.

"Niamh just do it" Ellie says.

"It's up to me if I want to" Niamh sighs.

"Why are you so touchy on the subject? Liven up a bit" Ellie laughs.

"I can't okay" Niamh huffs.

"Oh my god Niamh? What why?" Ellie asks.

"Long story" Niamh says.

"Spill...we've got the whole weekend" Ellie smiles as she tries to be of comfort.

"It's not something I like to talk about" Niamh says.

"Oh right...sorry I asked" Ellie says.

Niamh smiles and messes with the tie on her bed shorts. "You seem really agitated...maybe it would be better if you told me? We're friends" Ellie smiles trying to get it out of her.

"When I was eight weeks pregnant with Matthew... Elliot... He..."Niamh starts.

"He what?" Ellie says.

"R...R..R... No I can't say" Niamh says.

"I know what you mean" Ellie gasps.

Niamh looks down a little ashamed by the whole situation. "I'm so sorry to hear Niamh, are you okay?" Ellie asks as she doesn't really know what to say.

"How I feel that's a bit of a stupid question" Niamh says.

"Oh sorry" Ellie panics as she's unsure of what to say.

"Yeah you can say that... Probably thinking what a dirty slut I am" Niamh says.

"No no Niamh I'd never think that" Ellie says. "I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have said all that stuff about sex" Ellie sighs as she has really froze and doesn't know what to say.

"Who cares really?" Niamh says.

"Have you talked to anyone professional about this?" Ellie asks.

"No, only Joe that's it...and now you" She says.

"Maybe you should talk to victim support if it's still getting to you?" Ellie suggests.

"It's not really, I just don't like talking about it much and well Joe just accepts I don't really like the idea of sex" she explains.

"It could do you some good? It may help you get back with Joe... As in sexually" Ellie says.

"We've tried though Ellie" Niamh says.

"Oh" Ellie says, "I'm so sorry Niamh" Ellie sighs.

"Don't be" Niamh says.

"Aw come here for a hug, I'm glad you told me" she says.

"No" niamh says as she pushes her away.

"Wow alright calm down" Ellie says.

"Sorry" Niamh says as she realises how sharp as was with Ellie just.

"No it's fine I get it" Ellie says.

"I just don't like talking about it that's all" Niamh says.

"I understand" she says, Niamh smiles and hugs Ellie.

"Without sex me and Joe still have a strong relationship" Niamh says.

Ellie nods and smiles happily. "I'm tired, let's get an early night" Niamh smiles.

"Okay" Ellie smiles.

"Night" Niamh smiles before switching the light off and going to sleep.

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