Medium ash Brown

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She secures him into the buggy and grabs his blue blanket. She smiles at him, "right rascal" she says tapping him on the nose.

Matthew fixes his eyes on Niamh and smiles happily at her. She makes her way an heads out.

Matthew sits in his pram facing Niamh babbling away to her, "You've cheered up haven't you?" Niamh laughs.

Matthew sits sucking and gnawing on his pram strap, "Oi you! Don't do that" she laughs which makes him jump a little as she moves the strap.

Matthew whines and shakes his head before trying to bite it again. "Oh Matthew don't do that!" she says as he starts it again.

Matthew whines as Niamh moves the strap again.  Niamh rolls her eyes and walks on.

Matthew starts to cry again and kicks his blanket off. "Oh Matthew" she sighs.

Matthew squeals and cries really loudly and seems in some distress. "Oh for fucksake Matthew!" Niamh says as she is getting rather flustered.
"What are you after?" Niamh says as she tries to keep herself calm.

He kicks his legs and looks up at her.a
Niamh gets his dummy out her pocket and gives it him, He sucks on it for a bit before throwing it down and screaming and trying to chew the strap.

"Fuck sake" Niamh says as she stops and picks up his dummy and puts it in her pocket, just as she feels someone touch her back.

The person wraps their arms around her waist making her turn around instantly. "Oh my god Joe don't do that?" She says as she puts her hand on her heart.  Joe laughs and smiles at her before kissing her cheek and hugging her again. "Thank god your here... But what are you doing here so early?" Niamh asks.

"We're ahead of schedule" he smiles.
"Why you so glad to see me? What happened eh?" he adds laughing a little.

"He's just grizzly... He has been all day" Niamh sighs.

"Oh dear...well where are you off to?" he asks as they pull the buggy onto the side of the footpath so people can get past.

"Shop" Niamh replies.

"Oh what did I forget when I was getting the grocceries?" he asks as he leans over the buggy and strokes Matthew's cheek.

"Oh what did I forget when I was getting the grocceries?" he asks as he leans over the buggy and strokes Matthew's cheek.

"Nothing just Matthew is growing so much these 4-5 months nappies hardly fit and I also need hair dye" Niamh explains.

"You're dying your hair?" he says as it's news to him.

She nods "it's for filming of silent Witness" Niamh smiles.

"Oh I see" he smiles as Matthew finally starts to settle and they walk on.

"I'm going back to my natural colour" Niamh smiles.

"Ooh now that's something I've never seen before" he says.

"Well it maybe a little bit darker than my natural" Niamh says.

"Haven't you seen the pictures on my instagram from a while ago?" she laughs.

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