Wheels not legs

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Niamh changes the subject and asks Joe again about his patents as she pours the boiling water to make them coffee, "so tell me about your parents, seeing as you've met mine" she smiles as she hands him a cup of coffee.

"Not much to say" Joe replies.

"Why's that?" she asks as they head into the lounge.

"Just not much to say, two brothers both older and a younger sister, don't to talk my dad and well yeah my mum" he says.

"What about your mum?" she asks.

"Nothing" he smiles.

"No now come on...your keeping something from me" she says as she strokes his hand.

Niamh leans against him "Joseph tell me what your hiding!" Niamh demands.

"Honestly Niamh it doesn't matter...I'm not really close with them anyway" he sighs.

"Come on Joe...it is something" she says.

"I haven't spoken to them in years... Maybe since I first started Holby" Joe explains.

"Why not? What happened?" she asks.

"I don't know we just stopped" he says.

"Wouldn't you want to get back and talking to them?" she asks.

"I don't know" Joe says.

"So tell me more about them then?" she smiles still a little confused about his mum as he hasn't said much.

"Nothing remotely interesting Niamhy... Brothers both work in a chip shop, and I think Lynsday my younger sister is a teacher of drama" Joe says.

"Aw why don't you go see them, what about your mum and dad?" she asks.

"Dad don't live with my mum... And anyway... Erm... How much do you love me?" He says.

"Loads" she smiles happily as she cuddles up to him.

"So if I said they don't you about you and Matthew... What would you say?" He asks.

"Awk Joe why? Are you ashamed of me?" she asks in a calm tone.

"No, no nether" Joe says.

"What?" she says really confused.

"It just never crossed my mind, we are so happy... We still are right?" Joe asks.

"Yeah...but Joe they're family" she stutters.

Joe looks doe at his cup of tea, "I don't know how they would be towards it" Joe says.

"Why?" she asks.
"They can get a bit... you know with girlfriends" Joe says.

"What about your mum...you haven't said much about her" she says.

"She's... Yeah... She's fine" Joe says.

"She's what?" Niamh asks as she's not convinced.

Joe takes a deep breath in and looks at Niamh "she's... A ... Paraplegic" he mutters.

"Oh Joe...come here" she says as she throws her arms around him and pulls him into a tight hug.

Joe holds her close and hides his face in her shoulder. "Oh Joey I'm so sorry" she says as she hugs him tightly.

"I'd rather not see her" Joe says.

"Why?" she asks as she continues to hug him.

"I have my reasons" he says.

Joe starts to tear up a little, "whys that?" she asks.

"Look Niamh let's stop with the questions it's your birthday" he says.

"If your upset you can talk to me" she says.

"I'm not" he smiles.

"Don't lie to me, I saw you tear up" she says.

"I can't cry" he laughs.

"Aye okay you" she smiles as she cuddles him.

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