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"Oh Niamh darling don't cry" Niamh's Mum says as she hugs her.

Joe stands beside her with Matthew asleep in his car seat, Niamh stands hugging her mum and Dad for a while before pulling away.
"Mum and Dad meet Joe my boyfriend and baby Matthew" she smiles happily.

Joe steps forwards and gives a smile "oh this is the little chap we've heard so much about" her mum says as she looks down at Matthew in the car seat.

Niamh looks up at Joe and smiles happily, Niamh dad looks at Joe and smiles "Brian" he says as he holds his hand out to Joe.

Joe smiles, "Nice to meet you" he says.

They shake hands and Niamh looks down at Matthew, "oh my" Niamh's mum says as she gets a little emotional.
"He's very like both of you" she says.

Niamh smiles "Mum what's up" she says as she feels her pockets for a pack of tissues.

"My baby has had a baby it's unreal" her mum says as she looks up at her.

"Oh mum" Niamh laughs as she hugs her.

"he's so tiny look at him" her mum says.

Niamh nods and smiles, "how was he on the plane?" he mum asks.

"He was golden, although he's a right greedy thing in total he had eight feeds" Niamh replies as she lifts the car set up and they continue to walk.
Niamhs mum laughs, "he slept for most of it" Niamh says.

"Chloe is at home she can't wait to meet Matthew and for you to spend her birthday with her" Brian speaks up.

Niamh smiles at her dad, "I was on the phone to her a few weeks ago" she smiles.

Her dad smiles at her "oh Barbara I'm so happy our wee pumpkin is back" Brian says.

Joe smirks and tries his hardest not to laugh, Niamh glances over at him and rolls her eyes. He kisses her cheek and smiles, Brian takes them over to his car and puts their suitcases in the boot.

Joe puts Matthew's car seat into the back and jumps in beside Niamh, "Alright pumpkin?" He teases her quietly.

She rolls her eyes, "fine thanks how about you sweetcheeks" she smirks.

"Hey that's Cara's saying" Joe smirks as he leans over Matthew's car seat and kisses her.

"Indeed, we will never know why she never wanted Raf, but will she in the future?" Niamh teases.

"Cara will come running back for him" he laughs as he holds her hand and Niamh's parents get in the car too.

"You really think so though? In all seriousness?" she says.

"I was called into a meeting about Cara's arrival in series 19 around episode 35?" Joe says.

"And?" she asks.

"She's coming back with a big surprise for Raf" he laughs.

"Ooh really?" Niamh smiles.

He smiles and kisses her hand and Barbara turns and smiles at them "good to go?" She says.

Niamh nods and smiles and they head off home. "So tell me then what is this big suprise Cara has for Raf...because not even I know" she giggles.

"You will find out in time my darling, anyway it's a big deal for Raf too" he smirks.

"Ooh really?" She giggles, "sure remember when Raf made out with Cara in the locker room" she smirks.

"Shh, it was the start of us" Joe smirks.

"Indeed" she giggles.

Niamh looks down at Matthew who's fast asleep too, "I'm surprised he hasn't woken yet" Niamh smiles.

"Oh don't speak to soon" Joe says as Matthew starts to stir.

"Hello you" Niamh smiles.

Matthew gurgles and looks at Niamh, "Hey you my little prince aren't you in a good mood" Niamh coos.

Niamh smiles as Matthew looks up at both her and Joe, "So tell me Niamh what's it like being a mummy?" Barbara says.

"Hard work" Niamh says.

"He's worth it" Joe adds to Niamh's comments.

"He is, I have to say he isn't that bad most of the time, sometimes he kicks off here and there but apart from that he's a sweetheart" Niamh smiles happily.

Barbara smiles happily at them "so when you two planning on the second set of little feet?" She smiles.

Niamh gives a nervous laugh, "Matthew's plenty for now" she says.
"My biological clock is on mute for the next eight or so years" Niamh adds and Joe smirks to himself.

Niamh looks at him and frowns, Matthew looks up at Niamh and whimpers before reaching up and so Niamh gives him her finger that he holds onto, Joe smiles "he's defiantly a mummy's boy right now" he says.

She strokes his cheek and gives him his dummy to settle him. "Not long now Pumpkin" Brian says from the front seat, Joe smirks and Niamh rolls her eyes at him and smiles.

'I'm going to kill you' Niamh mouths to Joe.

"Pity, what will I ever do?" he mouths back.

'You ever call me that I will rip your-' Niamh mouths but is cut off by her mum turning in the seat and looking at them.

"How's you Mrs Walsh?" Joe says as he tries to break the awkwardness.

"No don't call me that you make me sound like a school teacher, Barbara will be fine... Anyway your part of the family now" Barbara says.
Joe smiles and nods happily, "Anyway I'm good thanks what about yourself Joe?" Barbra smiles.

"I'm alright thanks" he smiles.

Joe looks over and Niamh who is still watching Matthew and smiles.

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