10 days old

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Matthew is now a week old and Niamh is still extremely tried despite Joe trying his best to help.

"Here let me help" Joe smiles as Niamh seems to be struggling.

"He won't stop crying, Joe I've tried everything" Niamh says as she lies Matthew against her chest and stands up.

She bounces him a little. "Why don't we strip him down to his nappy? He's maybe too warm" Joe suggests.

Niamh feels his head "he's cool" Niamh says.

"Strip him anyway" Joe suggests, Niamh lies Matthew on the sofa and takes his bay grow off.

"Come on Matthew" Niamh moans, Niamh lifts Matthew back up and rocks him a little.
"There it's okay mummy's here" Niamh sighs.

Joe looks at Niamh and sits beside her "perhaps he's hungry?" Joe suggests. "When was the last time you fed him?" Joe asks in wonder.

"Like an hour ago" Niamh says.

"Why don't you try him again eh?" Joe suggests.

Niamh reaches for Matthew's bottle and looks down at him, Niamh puts the bottle to his mouth and he jusy screams even more. "How about breast feeding him?" Joe suggests.

Niamh huffs "it hurts so much" she says and then puts the bottle down.

Joe sighs, "give it a go?" he says in a calm tone as he reckons if he steps out of line Niamh will take the head off him.

Niamh sighs and tries it and luckily Matthew latches, Joe gives her a faint smile.

Niamh winces and looks at Joe, "Keep going your doing great" Joe smiles.

Niamh gives him a half smiles and looks down at Matthew who is really content. She kisses his head and rocks him slightly.

Joe smiles and gets up and leaves her to have some privacy as she feeds him.
A while later he comes back to see Niamh has dozed off with Matthew lying on her chest asleep too.

Joe smiles to himself and puts a blanket over the two, Niamh flinches a little, "it's alright it's only me and he's fine" Joe whispers.

Niamh smiles to herself and she moves her hand so it's over Matthews back, He kisses her head and smiles.
Joe sits himself next to Niamh and sits messing with his phone for a while.
He dozes off himself as he's exhausted also.

Later on Niamh is woken by Matthew who is whimpering, "It's okay Matthew" Niamh says rather sleeply.

She sits up and moves him so he's in her arms,He looks up at Niamh and gurgles a little before wriggling in her arms.

Niamh smiles at looks up at the time, "how about me and you go for a walk to the shops?" Niamh smiles as she kisses Matthew's head.

She lays him down in the sofa and puts him back in his baby grow. "Right then trouble let Mummy go and find out your coat and we can go" Niamh smiles.

She takes Matthew upstairs and lays him on her bed while she gets his coat and sticks her converse on.
"Now who looks adorable" Niamh coos to Matthew who is half asleep again.

"Fresh air will do you good wee man" Niamh smiles as she puts him in his buggy, She puts a blanket over him and puts his hat on as it's quite cold outside.

'Taken Matthew out for a bit, see you later Xx' she texts Joe.
Niamh makes her way down to the shops with Matthew who sleeps the whole way there, She smiles at him while she gets a few things.

She puts his dummy back in his mouth as its fallen out and smiles down at him as she looks for the correct size nappies for him. She buys them and a few other things and heads back to the house.

When she gets home Joe is cooking for her "Joe?" Niamh says as she lifts Matthew out the pram.

"Yeah what's up?" Joe asks as he comes through to her in the lounge as she is putting a sleepy Matthew in the moses basket.

"What you doing?" Niamh says as she puts a blanket on Matthew.

"Making dinner for someone who deserves it" he smiles as he puts his arms around her waist.

Niamh smiles at him and kisses his cheek "seriously Joe you didn't have too" Niamh says.

"Yes I did, and it's my way of saying I'm sorry about the other night" he sighs as he looks across at Matthew.

Niamh giggles and kisses him again "I'm sorry I shouldn't of snapped" Niamh says.

"I understand your stressed" he says as he hugs her.

"Sorry, it's harder than I thought" Niamh says.

"You know it's okay to ask for help" he says.

Niamh blushes "I feel like I shouldn't" Niamh says.

"Well you know I'm always here" he smiles.

"So then, what have you made me for dinner then?" she giggles.

"Lasagna" Joe smiles and Niamh raises an eyebrow, "don't worry it's veggie" He adds.

Niamh smiles, "you know I love you no matter how off I'm with you" she blushes.

Joe laughs "yes I do" he smiles as he pulls her into a hug.
"So how was Matthew when you were out?" he asks.

"He slept the whole way there and back" Niamh smiles.

"Woah now that's a shocker" Joe laughs.

"He's ten days old Joe what do expect, all new borns normally sleep for an average 17 hours a day" Niamh says.

"I know but he's always looking for his mummy's attention" Joe laughs.

"He's already a little show off" Niamh giggles as she pulls away from Joe.

"It seems the acting gene has worn off on him, showing off like he does" Joe replies.

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