Walsh and McGrady

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Niamh get's Matthew out of the car and fixes his blanket. She carries him in his car seat on her forearm, He starts to babble to Niamh.

"You excited to see Ellie?" Niamh giggles.

Matthew tries to lift his head up and look around in his car seat, "Oh your being nosey now" Niamh giggles.

They head to Joe's dressing room, "I'll just get dressed and then pop down to makeup, you can come with me if you want" Joe smiles.

Niamh nods and kneels down to get Matthew out of his car seat. Niamh lifts him up carefully and sits him in her arms so he's leaning against her chest.

He sucks his dummy and seems to be rather quiet now, Niamh bounces him a little while Joe gets changed.

He looks around and then fixes his eyes on Joe, "Oh Matty what's daddy doing?" Niamh smiles.

"Boo" Joe smiles as he comes over to the two of them and kisses Matthew. Matthew smiles at Joe and looks up at Niamh.

"Coming?" he smiles.

She nods and they head down to makeup. Matthew continues to babble and dribble down Niamh and Joe wipes his mouth, "you going to see Ellie sunshine?" Joe coos as Matthew holds onto his index finger.

"And Camilla, she's in too" Niamh says, They get down to make up to see Ellie there also.

Ellie looks over to see Niamh with Matthew, "oh my gosh" Ellie smiles.

"Hello you" Niamh smiles as she walks over to her.

"Long time no see Niamh" Ellie says which causes a few cast members to turn around.

"Indeed" Niamh smiles.

"Gosh haven't you got big wee man" Ellie coos.

"He has he's a chunky little thing now" Niamh smiles as she looks around the room to see someone she's never met before.

Matthew looks at Ellie wide eyed, "That's Ellie, Matty" Niamh says.

Matthew looks at Niamh before smiling happily. "Oh my gosh he's smiling now" Ellie smiles.

"Yeah, Joe pulled a face at him and he started to smile" Niamh says.
Ellie giggles, "if you get him on a good day he babbles too" Niamh laughs.

Ellie smiles happily "oh Matthew" Ellie giggles.
Niamh smiles as Ellie takes Matthew off her and she looks over at the woman she's never seen before "hi" Niamh smiles happily.

"I'm Niamh" she smiles happily.

"Oh I know who you are now" Niamh says to her. "Your Niamh McGrady aren't you?" she says.

"Yeah and your Niamh Walsh" the other Niamh replies.

Niamh nods and smiles, Niamh Walsh laughs and smiles at her. "Niamh?" Joe says as he comes down and both Niamh's look around at him.

"Niamh Walsh actually" Joe says as he comes over to them. "So I see you two have crossed paths" he smiles. They nod "this is going to be confusing" Joe laughs, "oh well I'm going to be here a few hours why don't you go out and go for a coffee?" He suggests and she nods.

"We still on for lunch or dinner later though?" she asks.

"Wait what? Are you two together?" Niamh McGrady asks.

Niamh Walsh nods "yeah been together a year and a month" she smiles.

"Aw that's rather cute and I'm guessing this is your baby?" Niamh McGrady says as she sees Matthew looks a bit like Joe.

"Yep he's mine" Joe says as he gives Niamh's hand a squeeze and Niamh McGrady looks at Matthew.

"Aw he's adorable" Niamh McGrady coos.

"Thanks he's so much like his daddy" Niamh Walsh says.

"He really is" Niamh McGrady laughs.
"Can I have a little hold?" Niamh McGrady says.

"Of course" Niamh Walsh smiles.

Niamh picks Matthew up as Niamh Walsh holds onto his dummy. "Aren't you a little cutiepie?" Niamh McGrady coos.

Matthew looks up at her before looking over at his mum. He starts to whimper, "aw what's wrong? Are you being shy today sunshine?" Joe coos.

Niamh McGrady sits down with him and smiles "I'll be working with your mummy soon when she's back" she smiles.

Niamh Walsh gives him his dummy and Niamh McGrady holds out her index finger for him to hold onto. Matthew takes hold of her finger and closes his eyes but opens one eye and looks up at Niamh McGrady.

"Hello you" she coos.

"He's playing peek-a-boo with you Niamh" Joe says to her just as Camilla enters the room.

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