I hope your not coming down with it

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Niamh climbs straight into bed and Joe places Matthew in his moses basket while he gets himself ready for bed also. "Urgh... I've got such a bad stomach ache" Joe says.

"Oh dear, I hope your not getting what me and Matthew have babe" Niamh says.

"No me I have a stomach of steal, maybe it was that curry on the canteen today" Joe says.

"Don't talk to me about food" she says.

Joe smiles and goes to the ensuite and shuts the door. He decides to go to the toilet to see if that will help him any.

Meanwhile Niamh is sitting up in bed sipping her water. She looks over at Matthew and hears how badly wheezy she is.

She sighs and turns her lamp off on her side. She hears Joe come back through, "feel any better?" she asks.

"My stomach is bubbling" he says.

"Oh dear" she says as he gets into bed.

Joe lies down at turns his lamp off, "night" he says.

She moves closer to him and cuddles up to him and puts her arm around his waist, he holds her hand and they both drop off to sleep.

Niamh wakes in the early hours of the morning to the ensuite light on and the sound of Joe being sick.

She goes into him to see him brushing his teeth, "hey are you okay babe?" she asks.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine go back to bed babe" he says as he spits the tooth paste out.

"No you're not!" she says as she goes over to him.

"Niamh I said leave it" Joe says as he puts his tooth brush back.

Niamh goes to the door and shuts it not letting Joe out, "You're not fine, you were sick Joe!" Niamh says.

Joe goes to open the door but Niamh's still holding the handle the other side. "I'm tired" he says.

"Well me too, but you aren't leaving here until you admit your not well either" Niamh demands.

"Fine I feel a little sick" he says.

"Oh come here" she says as she hugs him.

"Niamh please" Joe says.

"What?" she says a little confused.

"I don't want the fuss" he says as he does to bed.

Niamh rolls her eyes and goes to the toilet. She is sick a little more before coming back to bed. "Are you alright?" he asks.

"Don't want a fuss" she says.

She climbs back into bed and goes back to sleep, Joe tosses and turns and can't sleep at all, "Stop fidgeting" Niamh moans.

"I can't sleep" he says.

"Well try" Niamh says.

Joe huffs, "I can't" he says as he gets up and goes to the toilet again.

Niamh rolls over and peers over at Matthew who's fast asleep. "Daddy's sick too" she sighs. "Daddy's sick too" she sighs as she feels Matthew forehead and he's still burning up.
"Maybe mummy should get you some water in your bottle" Niamh says as she gets up slowly, as her whole body feels like she has just given birth again.

She heads downstairs just as Joe comes out of the bathroom, "where you off to?" he asks.

"Bottle for Matthew" Niamh says.

Joe nods, "Do you want anything?" she yawns.

"No thanks" he says as he climbs back into bed. Niamh nods and goes to fill Matthew a bottle of water.

She comes back up and puts the bottle on the side and gets back into bed "Ugh I feel like hell" she moans.

Joe rolls over and looks up at her. "Me too" he says.

Niamh smiles a little and him and reaches for her water, She sits up as she can't sleep and is too warm.

Niamh then gets out of bed and opens her window. "I hate being sick" she moans.

"Same" he says.

"I feel rotten" she says as she paces the bedroom a little.

Niamh fans herself down but isn't getting anywhere so pulls her pyjama top off, "you don't mind if I sleep like this do you?" She says.

"Be my guest" he says.

She sits down on the side of the bed and stares at the radiator, before leaning over and turning it off. "This is bloody ridiculous I want to sleep" she huffs.

Joe reaches out and touches her lower back. "What are you doing?" she asks.

"I don't even know" he says as he rubs her back with his thumb.

"I'm too warm" she says.

"Sorry babe" Joe says as he moves his hand.

"It's fine, it relaxed me a bit" Niamh sighs, Joe moves his hand back to her lower back and runs his thumb across her back.

"How do you feel?" she asks.

"Like death" he says as Niamh leans over and puts Matthew dummy back in his mouth.

"Me too" she sighs as she lies back down and looks up at the ceiling.

Joe kisses her shoulder and watches as Niamh breathes deeply. "Shh listen" Niamh says. "He's really chesty" she says as she looks down at Matthew.

"Poor thing" Joe mutters.

"I know, at least he can sleep though" Niamh sighs.

"He's a baby Niamh, they spend most their time asleep anyway" Joe says.

"Yes but if your sick you generally can't" Niamh says.

"He's probably excused from all that vomiting he did on you earlier" he says.

"I guess" she sighs.

Joe strokes her hand, "stop worrying about him Niamh" Joe says.

"Besides he's sleeping not boking over us" Joe laughs a little.

Niamh laughs but holds her stomach as it hurts "You're right" she smiles.

Niamh yawns and leans against Joe. He puts his hand around her waist and She starts to drift off to sleep.

They all drift off to sleep and don't wake until about 9am as Matthew has woken then. Niamh sits up and gets out of bed and over to Matthew.

"Oh dear what's the matter?" Niamh coos, He cries and kicks his legs as he looks up at Niamh.

Niamh lifts him up as Joe wakens feeling sick again. Joe gets out of bed and dashes to the bathroom.

"Oh dear daddy's sick again" Niamh sighs.

Niamh rubs Matthews back and tries to sooth him as Joe comes back through.

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