Bedroom Romance part 2

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She smiles at him and kisses his cheek, "Comfy?" he laughs as he looks her up and down in a gaze.

She nods and bites her lip, She wraps her arms around his neck and joe strokes her boob.

She flinches a little, Joe smiles at her before looking at his hand.

"You alright there?" she laughs.

"You've leaked" he says as he licks his hand to see what it is.
"Like you're leaking badly" Joe says as he points to her breast.

Niamh looks down at starts to get a little embarrassed "oh dear" she says as she reaches for a tissue.

"Doesn't that mean you need to feed him?" Joe asks confused.

Niamh shakes her head "no, it happens Joe, it doesn't mean I have to."

"Oh" Joe says awkwardly.

"I'm sorry I've killed the mood" Niamh says as she goes to get off his lap.

"No no it's fine don't worry" he smiles.

Niamh stays put but looks down at her lap. "I can't believe you licked your hand to see" Niamh giggles as she finds it disgusting.

"It's milk" Joe laughs.

"Well you want some" she giggles as she takes the tissue off.

"Yeah sure" he laughs as he kisses the top part of her breast.

"Erm I was joking, Matthew only gets the special treatment" she jokes.

Joe frowns and then kisses her again, "and what does Miss Walsh get?" He laughs.

Niamh giggles and puts the tissue back up to her breast again. "I think Miss Walsh deserves the finer treatment in life" he smiles.

"Like what?" She smiles back.

He pulls her close "the finger treatment" he whispers.

"Ooh really?" she smirks, He nods and kisses her cheek.

She gets off his knee and lies down looking up at the ceiling. "Hey what you doing?" He laughs as he watches her playing her her pant line.

"Waiting to stop leaking" she says as she looks over at him.

"But we don't have to stop do we?" Joe says as he pulls the puppy eyes on Niamh.

"No" she says as she wants to have this relationship with Joe.

Joe smiles "great now I can get down to business" he smirks.

"Go for it" she giggles.

Joe pulls her legs and pulls her close so he can get to her pants.
"I'm not a rag doll" she giggles.

"Barbie doll" he laughs.

"No I'm not Barbie either" she laughs.
Joe laughs and starts to pull at her pants.

"Just take them off" she laughs.

"Eager" he mutters as he gets them to her ankles and pulls them off before chucking them down.

"No your just pussy footing around" she smirks.

Joe smirks "I'm taking my time, this is like unwrapping pure gold" he smirks.

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