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It's now Niamh's 27th birthday and Joe has let her sleep in.

He has taken Matthew downstairs to give her peace and made breakfast for her.

Niamh starts to wake and rolls over slowly to see Joe isn't in bed. She sits up a little in shock as Matthew isn't in the room either.

Her heart starts to race as she doesn't know where he is. Joe walks into the bedroom with her breakfast on a tray and Matthew babbling away, "oh you're awake" he smiles.

"Oh thank god you're here" she says her heart pounding as she lies back down.

"What's up?" Joe laughs as he sets her breakfast down and then lies Matthew in the middle of the bed.

"I didn't know where you two where" she says.
"What time is it?" she asks as she gathers it's rather early if Joe's up with Matthew.

"10" Joe says simply as he hands her breakfast to her.

"What?!" she says panicked as she never sleeps in.

"Yeah ten Niamhy, Matthew was up early, he did a right dirty nappy so I bathed him... Then I fed him, and we made breakfast for you just as the post came" Joe explains.

"You should have woken me, you didn't need to do all that by yourself!" she says.

"Yes I do" Joe smirks.

"No you don't...oh come here" she smiles as she sits up a little and opens her arms to give him a hug.

She hugs him tightly and kisses his shoulder "Happy Birthday princess" Joe mutters.

She giggles, "aw thanks" she smiles.

"Now me and Matty have got you a few presents" he says.

Matthew looks up at Niamh and tries to grab her hand. "Hey trouble" Niamh says as she lifts Matthew up.

"I thought we'd gotten over the bug you had" she says as Matthew smiles happily at her.

"It looked like that mash, carrots and peas you have him last night" Joe smirks.

"Joe! That's disgusting" she laughs.

"You asked" he laughs.

"Anyway here's a few presents" he smiles as he puts them on the bed for her.

Niamh smiles and sits Matthew on her lap. "Happy birthday" he smiles as he kisses her.

Niamh smiles and opens her cards which Matthew is suddenly interested in. "Don't eat that please" she laughs as she takes the paper from him.

Matthew whines and kicks his legs and kicks the wrapping paper which interests him even more. He grabs some in his hand as Niamh opens her presents.

He waves it about as he loves the noise it's making. Niamh smiles and opens the box to see a Pandora Bracelet.

Her heart flutters "oh Joe" she smiles.

"Please tell me you like it...the pink band was hard to get" he says.

"I love it" she smiles.

Joe gives a sigh of relief..."I'm glad"

"I didn't realise you got Matthew a present too" Niamh laughs as she watches him wave the wrapping paper around.

"Oi rascal, come here and give you're mummy peace for 5 minutes" he laughs as he grabs Matthew by his baby grow and pulls him over to him.

Matthew smiles and watches Joe, "He was fine, leave him be...I don't mind" she smiles. "And anyway have I told you about pulling him by his grows?.. Hm? It stretches them!" Niamh moans.

"Well he's getting a big boy" Joe smiles.

"Yes I know that" Niamh laughs. "You might hurt him too" she says as she opens the other present.

"He was smiling Niamh" Joe laughs.

Matthew looks over at Niamh and blows raspberries, Niamh opens her last present which is a necklace with Matthews initials on and his birth stone.

"Oh my goodness" she says in complete awe.

"You like it?" He smiles.

"Oh Joe it's gorgeous" she smiles.

Niamh leans forwards and over Matthew a little and cuddles Joe. Matthew grabs Niamh's hair as it's dangling in his reach.

"Ow... Monkey" Niamh laughs, "let go" she says as she talks Matthew's hand from her hair.

Matthew starts to cry as he wants Niamh's attention but she isn't giving it him. "Oi cheeky chops what's wrong?" Joe laughs as he lifts Matthew onto his knee.

Matthew cries and reaches for his dummy but topples forwards into Niamh's lap. "Oh come here" she smiles as she gets him dummy for him too

She lifts him to her shoulder and rubs her back as she sips her tea. "Thank you so much for all of this Joe" she smiles happily.

"Don't forget Matty for lending me his thumb to do that necklace" Raf smiles.

She sits Matthew up on her knee as he has now calmed down and she continues to eat her breakfast, "and yes...thank you too you too wee man" Niamh smiles as she tickles his tummy.
Matthew gurgles and smiles happily at Niamh. "Mwah" she coos as she kisses his head.

Matthew kicks his legs and smiles "Seriously you didn't need to do any of this" she smiles.

"Yes I did" Joe says.

"I love you so much" she smiles.

Niamh kisses Joe again and finishes her breakfast before getting changed. "This must have costed so much" she says as she gets changed and does her makeup.

"I'm not saying anything" Joe smiles, "You're worth it" he adds.

"Seriously stop saying that I'm nothing special" Niamh laughs.

"Yes you are... Your my fiancée and Matthews Mummy of course your something special... Looks at all then fans who looks up to you" Joe smiles.

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