Cravings, sickness and hair dye

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"He or she was this morning like crazy" she says as she rests her head on Joe's chest.

"I think it's a boy, your big already" he smiles at her happily and Niamh shakes her head.

Joe smiles and kisses her head, "why don't you go home? I'll be round later" he says as he rubs her back.

"No let me finish my last scene then I shall go" she smiles as she sees its nearly five.

Joe nods, "take it easy babe" he says as she looks up at him after drinking the water.
She smiles and puts the glass back down before putting her scrub top back on and going to set.

Joe keeps a close eye on her as she still looks quite pale. She manages to get through the next five takes without any bother and then she heads to her dressing room an goes to get changed.

Joe follows her as he has finished up too, "How you feeling?" he asks before heading into his dressing room.

"Like crap but it's for a good reason that I feel crap right?" She mutters nervously.

"Yeah, I guess, look if you don't feel up to me coming over it's fine just say" he smiles.

"No, I want you to come, anyway Joe pack an over night bag" she smiles cheekily.

"I will do, might have to nip home for a few things first as I don't tend to have toothbrushes lying around in my dressing room" he smirks and Niamh smiles.

Niamh smiles and hugs him, "I really fancy Pizza, what's your favourite pizza?" She questions with a smiles on her face before it clicks why she fancies Pizza, "oh my god am I having cravings? Never had them before" she says nervously.

"I think you are having cravings" he nods and laughs a little.

Niamh smiles and starts to get changed. Joe does also and then nips home to pack a bag for the night.

Niamh heads home and when she arrives home she gets a text from Joe with a picture message, 'like my pyjamas?' the photo attached is a picture of a sock.

She giggles to herself, 'lovely they are X' she replies. Niamh goes into the kitchen and gets herself a drink and a some fruit.

The next minute she hears the doorbell go and it's Joe. "You were quick" she giggles.

"Can't keep myself away" he smiles happily at her.

"In that case come in" she giggles as he gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Joe comes in and Joe puts his bag down and goes and sits down. "How you feeling now babe?" he asks.

He wraps his arms around her waist and smiles at her, "feeling better" she says happily.

"I'm glad to hear it" he smiles.
Niamh smiles and sits down next to Joe.

He places his hand on her stomach, "baby still playing you about?" he asks.

She shakes her head, "probably sleeping, haven't felt sick in a good few hours" Niamh smiles happily.

"That's good" he smiles as he leans in and kisses her lips. He pulls Niamh onto his lap and rests his hand on her stomach.

"Thanks for being there today, I wouldn't have been able to hold it together if it wasn't for you" she explains.

Joe smiles at her and strokes her cheek, "now how about that pizza?" He smiles at her as he kisses her cheek.

She nods, "I very rarely have it because Elliot doesn't like it, so tell me, what's your favourite pizza?" she giggles.

"Has to be cheesy just saying" he smiles as he strokes her cheek.

Niamh giggles "cheesy? What like your chat up lines?" She giggles as she kisses his cheek.

Joe's mouth drops, "well I didn't realise they were that bad" he blushes.

"I'm joking I'm joking" she giggles.

He smiles and kisses her again "you best be or I might have to tickle you" he teases her.

"Oh no don't do that, I'll pee myself, my bladder control is getting out of hand already" she giggles.

"Ok can I have pineapple and Ham" she smiles happily as she hands him her phone.

"So I'm ordering" he laughs and she nods.

She nods "and paying" she giggles.

"Only because I love you" he giggles.

"I'll pay you back its just Elliot checks my bank statement" Niamh explains.

"It's fine, you don't have to" he smiles.

Niamh grabs her purse and waits for Joe to finish on the phone.

"It'll be about 20 minutes" he smiles.

"How much?" She questions as she sits back down.

"You don't need to pay me back it's fine honestly" he smiles.

Niamh frowns "I'm paying you back, now tell me" she says as she presses a pressure point which leads Joe to telling her how much it is, because it hurts too much.

"£18.50 Niamh, please stop" he says and Niamh smirks and let's go.
"It's fine, take as my treat" he says.
Niamh nods in submission and then goes to the toilet, but as she passes Joe's coat she slips the £20 note into his jacket pocket.

She appears back again with a suspicious looks on her face, "what did you do?" he smirks.

She raises an eyebrow "do what?" She says as she sits down.

"Never mind" he laughs and puts his arm around her pulling her close.

Niamh smiles and leans against his chest, "Elliot is going to notice the baby isn't his" Niamh says

"Yes I'm afraid he will babe" Joe sighs.

"I mean both me and Elliot are blonde, but there is something I haven't told you" she smiles happily at him.

"What is that?" he asks curiously.

"I'm naturally a brunette" she smiles at him.

"Oh really?" he smiles.

She nods and shows him a picture on her phone of herself when she was around twelve.
"Aw weren't you a cutie?" he smiles happily. "So tell me then, why did you dye it?" he asks.

"I was around eighteen when I first dyed it" she smiles up at Joe.

"Aw bless" he laughs.

"My mum disapproved but she likes it now because it does have brunette coming through" she smiles as she kisses him, Joe kisses her back as the door bell goes.

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