Health Visitor

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Matthew cries to himself and Joe sits down next to him. Matthew cries to himself and Joe sits down next to him.

Nianh finally answers, "Oh dear" Niamh says as she answers the FaceTime call.

"He won't settle and I don't know what's wrong" he sighs.

"Oi you!" Niamh says loudly.

Matthew whines and Joe lifts him up so he can see Niamh, Matthew looks up at Niamh and cries before realising who she is.

"Hello mummy's favourite boy" she coos.

Matthew puts his fist in his mouth and slowly calms down. He looks up at Joe before looking back at Niamh.

"Aren't you behaving for daddy?" Niamh yawns.

"He has been well behaved ate his porrige and everything didn't you son?" Joe smiles as he tickles his tummy to get a smile out of him.

Matthew smiles and looks at him as he tries to grab Joe's phone again. Niamh laughs, "We're only just up" she says.

"Oh sorry did I wake you?" He asks.

"No no your fine, couldn't sleep anyway that's why I text you around an hour ago" she smiles.

"Did you?" He says.

"Yeah about the health visitor coming" she says.

"Oh right... Well she's due soon" Joe says.

Niamh nods, "was going to call you later but this rascal wouldn't settle so I thought you might he able to settle him" he laughs.

Niamh smiles and looks over at Ellie who's just come out the shower, "yeah I better go the bathroom is free... I will call you later yeah?" Niamh says.

"Yeah, ring you after the health visitors been, let you know how we get on" he smiles.

Niamh smiles at Joe before blowing him and Matthew a kiss and ending the call. "Right rascal, we'll call mummy later but we have to see the health visitor first" Joe smiles as he kisses Matthew's head.

He takes Matthew back downstairs and leaves him to play on his play may while Joe finds Matthews red book.

About half an hour later the health visitor arrives at the door. Joe lets her in "hi" he smiles.

"Hello" she smiles as Matthew stares at her a little unsure as Joe leads her through to the lounge. Matthew looks at Joe and then back at the Health visitor "Tracy... I don't think we've been introduced" she says.

"I think I was at work the time Niamh saw you...I'm Joe" he smiles.

"Oh so you must be dad then?" Tracy smiles and Joe nods.

Matthew watches the health visitor a little unsure as she sits down in the sofa beside Joe.

"So do you have all the notes from last time I visited... Niamh should of given you some?" Tracy asks.

"Yes they are here" Joe says as he lifts the loose sheets out of his red book.

She reads them and then goes and crouches down next to Matthew. Matthew looks up and Joe still unsure of her.

"Hey it's okay" he smiles as he sits on the edge of the sofa, Matthew sits up and watches Tracy.

"Oh my your sitting unaided now" Tracy says as she fills in a few forms.

"He is indeed has been for a few days now, but there's still no evidence of crawling...should we be worried?" Joe asks.

"Oh no.... Maybe we should try and get him to crawl" Tracy advices.

"Shall we get you to crawl sweetie?" she coos. Matthew starts to whine and looks at Joe.

Tracy lifts him up, "so where's Niamh today?" she asks to try and make conversation as she lies Matthew on his tummy.

"She's gone to Ireland with her friend for the weekend... Before you say anything I suggested it to get her out the house and a bit of stress relief" Joe says before Tracy can jump to conclusions.

"Oh dear, is Matthew stressing her out?" Tracy asks.

"No, no she's going back to work soon and well her schedule is already hectic" Joe explains. Tracy nods and smiles. They both watch Matthew who is whimpering.

"He isn't keen about being on his tummy should I point out" Joe says.

"Give him a minute, he'll figure it out on his own" Tracy smiles as she watches Matthew.
"How has he been apart from not crawling yet?" Tracy asks.

"Well Niamh wanted me to bring up his eczema on his legs but I don't seem any issue in it" Joe says. "He can get very restless with it at times" he says.

Tracy rolls up Matthews trouser leg and has a look while he's on his tummy. "It doesn't look too bad, do you have cream for it?" Tracy asks.

"Yes we do" Joe says.

"Doesn't look too bad today, just keep continuing to apply it" she says.

Joe nods and passes her a nappy as she wants to check his nappy. "Looks like crawling might take a while" Tracy says as she lies him on his back and changes his nappy.

Matthew kicks his legs out and squeals, "Oh hello noisy boy" Tracy smiles as she takes his trousers off and takes his nappy off.

"Are you feeding him solid foods now?" Tracy asks.

"We are trying to yes" Joe says.

"Try him on some rough foods like sweet corn which may help him to come better with solid food" Tracy says.Joe nods and watches as she changes his dirty nappy, "Oh dear this is a dirty one" Tracy says as she checks his bottom.

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