Listening for a heart beat

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"There's a possibility the baby is still alive right?" Niamh panics.

"A slim chance" the doctor says to Niamh as he hands her some notes to take to maternity.

She get's up off the bed and Joe takes her hand and they go up to maternity. Niamh walks with him quietly, she doesn't feel like saying anything as she knows she'll cry.

He kisses her cheek as he can see how fragile she is. "Joe..." She cries as she stops in her tracks, he looks at her and squeezes her hand tightly, "Joe... My baby... Can't be dead, it's alive right?" She says and she starts to panic.

"Let's not panic, right? Stay positive babe" he says as he tries to calm her down as she is sarting to get worked up.

Niamh cries silently to herself, "my stomach still feels heavy, is that a good thing?" Niamh says as she looks at Joe.

"I wish I was Mr Di Lucca at this moment in time, but I have no idea babe" he says as he pulls her close and hugs her.

Niamh laughs at little and holds his hand again before finally making their way up to maternity.
"Just stay positive" he smiles as he kisses her cheek.
Niamh smiles at Joe as they are told to take a seat, not long after they are called into the office by a doctor.

Joe gives Niamh a reassuring smile before going into the consultants room.
Niamh sits herself on the bed and rolls her top is as the doctor tell her too.

Joe gives her a reassuring smile as he sits in the chair beside her, she reaches out her hand hoping he will take it.
"You okay Niamh?" He questions as he takes her hand.

"Just anxious" she mumbles and Joe gives her hand a tight squeeze and kisses it gently.

The doctor buts the probe down on her stomach as soon as he puts the gel on her stomach.
She sits rather nervous listening for a heart beat, all she wants is for the baby to be okay.
Joe sits and watches her stomach, he could make out a small bump as Niamh is quite skinny he could make this our clearly.

"Is the baby still alive?" she says trying to hold herself together.

A sudden heart beat fill the room, "very much so" the doctor laughs, Joe look at the screen completely dumbfound.

Niamh bursts into tears, "oh my god" she smiles raising her free hand to her mouth.

Joe looks at her tearfully but holds himself together. "Congratulations baby is still here, and it looks like baby is waving to mummy and daddy" the doctor smiles.

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