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It's been a few weeks since they have been back in the UK and Niamh is currently awake with Matthew at 2am. She walks up and down the bedroom with him as he is still rather poorly and has gotten worse.

"Shh...shh Matthew... Mummy isn't feeling good either..." Niamh says as she bounces Matthew as he cries against her chest.

"There darling it's okay" Niamh says as she sits down on the edge of the bed and lays him down and strips him as his temperature has gone up again. "Oh baby I know" she says as she places a little kiss on his head.

She lifts him back up and cradles him in her arms for a bit which seems to settle him a bit. She feels a little faint so stands near the bed.
She decides to go and get a drink and so she careful makes her way downstairs incase she does happen to faint.

Matthew starts to cry again so Niamh reverts to holding him against her chest as she walks down the stairs.

"Oh Matty, Mummy doesn't feel good either sweetheart" she coos as she pours herself some ice cold water hoping it will help. She burps a little as she drinks it which isn't like her at all.

She takes the water back up to bed and sits down again as she still feels a little faint, more so than before.
Matthew continues to whimper and she really doesn't feel good so she decides to give Joe a prod.

"Joe!" she whispers as he isn't wakening easily. "Joe please" she says as she starts to cry

Joe wakens, "what's up?" he mumbles.

"Sit up a sec" she mumbles through the tears and Joe sits up as he turns the bedside lamp on.

"Oh god Niamhy you look awful" he says.

"I don't really feel the best either" she cries.

Joe takes Matthew off her and feels her forehead "gosh your burning up" he says.

"I feel really faint" she mumbles.

"Oh Niamhy don't cry, come here sweetie" he says as he knows she never really gets sick.

Joe hugs her lightly and stays there for a while before taking Matthew downstairs. Matthew starts to drop off to sleep as Joe carries him downstairs.

"There's a good boy" Joe says as he rubs Matthew's back.

Joe lies Matthew down in the Moses basket and goes through to the kitchen and makes himself a coffee.
He turns around to see Niamh standing in the doorway of the kitchen shaking.

He goes over to her and holds her arms, He walks her over to a chair in the kitchen and sits her down, "why aren't you in bed?" he asks.

"I can't sleep" she whispers.

"Matthew's settled, how are you feeling?" he asks as he sits down next to her.

"I feel like I'm going to pass out and my head is pounding" she whispers.

She looks at him and starts to cry, "I don't like feeling sick" she mumbles as she shakes.

"Don't think anyone does babe" he says as he strokes her hand, but she pulls it away because the sensation is making her feel worse.

"Shall we get you a drink of water?" he asks as he feels her forehead again and it's roasting.

She nods and Joe gets up to get her a drink, "Let's get you back to bed sweetheart" he says.

She nods and gets up before going back upstairs. Joe follows her with Matthew who is now settled. She sits on the bed as Joe puts Matthew back in the Moses basket.

"Try get some sleep, you might feel better then" he says as he kisses her cheek.

"Oh god Joe... I'm gonna be sick" she says standing up really quickly before sitting back down as the sensation has gone.

"Sleep Niamhy, it will do you the world of good" he says as he pulls her into a cuddle and pulls the duvet over her.

She moves his hands as sea really hot and falls back to sleep. Joe smiles before falling back to sleep himself

In the morning Joe wakes to find Niamh sleeping in a ball without the covers on her, He goes to have a shower as Matthew is settled.

Once back for the shower he comes back into the bedroom to see both Niamh and Matthew still asleep. He gets himself changed and decides to waken Niamh to see how she is feeling before he leaves.

Niamh rolls over at looks up at Joe, "oh baby" he smiles as he can see that Niamh isn't that well at all.
"How you feeling babe?" he asks.

"Awful" she moans.

"Will you be okay today?" he asks.

"Probably" she mutters as she reaches for her glass.

"Promise?" he asks.

"Promise" she mumbles as she sips her water.

"Text me if you need me and there's plenty of paracetamol for you" he smiles as he kisses her head lightly. She nods and rolls over and drops off to sleep.

Joe heads downstairs for breakfast and then leaves the house.

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