Traveling companion

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A few weeks later and Niamh is now going to Malaysia with Matthew but unfortunately Joe can't come due to filming schedules. "I'm going to miss you two" he sighs as Niamh is packing last minute things to go.

Joe cradles Matthew in his arms "I can't believe when o next see you, your going to be at least three months old. I want mummy to Skype me everyday so I can see you" he smiles.

"I will don't worry" Niamh smiles happily.

"An empty bed without you every night for a month will be weird" Joe says.

Niamh smiles at him "well I hope you keep my space" she smiles.

Joe smiles, "I'll give you both a lift to the airport" he smiles.

She nods and starts to get a little tearful. "Hey come her you" he says as he reaches out his free arm to hug her, Niamh cries against his shoulder and he rubs her back.

"Time will fly in and I'll be seeing you again soon" he mutters as he kisses her neck. Niamh nods and pulls away and looks at Matthew, "all ready?" He smiles.

"I guess so" she says as she chokes on her tears.

Niamh takes Matthew off Joe and he lifts the suitcase off the bed and takes it outside and puts it in the car, Niamh puts Matthew in his car seat and wraps a blanket around him and puts his dummy in his mouth.

"I wish daddy could come with us baby" Niamh sighs as she lifts Matthew.

"Ready?" he smiles as he meets her at the door.

"I guess this is it for the next four weeks and I'm going to miss you like crazy you know" Niamhs sighs as she steps out and locks the front door.

He nods "you've remembered to lock the Windows right?" Joe says and Niamh nods a little confused, "I'm stopping at my flat it's closer to work" Joe smiles.

"That's alright" Niamh smiles.
Joe smiles at her and carries Matthew out in his car seat to the car for her.
She gets into the car and Joe does also after strapping Matthew in.

"Ready?" He smiles at her still a little upset.

Niamh nods, "I wish you could have come too" she sighs.

"Me too babe but work" he smiles as he rests his hand on her knee.

"I know" she sighs.

"I love you so much Niamh, I'm going to miss you and my little man so much" Joe sighs.

Niamh starts to cry, "we are going to miss you too" she says.

"Oh Niamhy" he says as he rests his free hand on her knee.

"Time will fly by" Joe smiles.
Niamh nods and looks down at her phone.

"I'll miss you helping me out with wee Matty" Niamh says.

Joe smiles "I will Matthew peeing down the front of me at bath times" Joe laughs.
He glances over at Niamh and smiles, "hey cheer up" he says as he strokes her knee.

They get to the airport and Niamh sighs, "Check you've got everything now" Joe says.

Niamh nods and looks through bed hand luggage which is Matthew's changing bag. "Got both boarding passes?" he asks.

Niamh nods and double checks "oh crap where's mine?" Niamh says as she starts to panic "Joe!! I can't find it" she panics, Joe starts to smirk at her.

He smirks again, "oh okay... Your not looking for these are you?" Joe says as he pulls the boarding pass out his pocket.

Niamh reads them and her mouth drops "what!" She stutters.

"Why did you have them?" she asks confused.

"Why don't you take a look and see?" Joe smiles.

She takes them off him and finds another boarding pass, she looks up at him a little confused. "Take a look and read carefully" Joe says.

Joe smiles happily at her, "but what?! You haven't got any clothes of anything packed" Niamh says as she looks up at him.

"You see I have, I have my own suitcase in the boot" Joe smiles.

Niamh just stares at him in shock "close your mouth babe you'll catch flies" he smirks.

"Are you happy? Because I sure am" Joe smiles, She nods and throws her arms around him.

He kisses her cheek, "oh Joe I love you so much" she says.

He laughs, "oh we better get going" he says as he gets out the car.
"You better let your family know I'm coming babe" he laughs.

"It's two in the morning over there now I expect they will all be asleep" Niamh smiles as she lifts Matthew in his car seat out the car and connects it to the pram.

"Okay well that will be awkward when I just kind of turn up..." he laughs.

"They won't mind you can stay in my room" she smiles.

"Stay in your room...with you?" he smirks as they check their suitcases in.

"No... My parents have struck rules on boyfriends" Niamh giggles.

"Oh really?" he smirks.

"I'm joking babe, I've got the smallest room but it's a double bed and mums brought a cheap Moses basket for Matthew" Niamh smiles.

"I know you were" he smiles and kisses her cheek.
"See your my traveling companion now" Joe smiles as he kisses her on the lips.

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