Kiss and make up?

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"Hello little fella, is mummy still upset?" he says as Matthew wriggles around and gurgles. Joe smiles at Niamh as her one hand is placed on Matthew's tummy.
Joe strokes his chubby cheek and smiles at him "come here little one" he says as he lifts Matthew up.

He lifts Matthew up and turns the bedside light on. He looks down at Niamh to see her rosy red cheeks and puffy's evident she's been crying, "oh Niamhy, I'm sorry and I love you so much" he says as he kisses her cheek.

He sits on the bed with his back against the head board and Matthew in his arms. Niamh mumbles a little in her sleep and starts to stir.

Joe looks down at her and smiles, She holds one hand to her head and opens her eyes a little.

"Hey" Joe smiles.

She rubs her face and looks up at Joe looking over her, She closes her eyes again and stretches. She sits herself up and looks down at Matthew who is content in Joe's arms.

She sits there awkwardly unsure of what to say, "Someone tells me you're a little upset?" he says as he plays with her hair.

She nods a tiny bit and looks down at her lap. "Shall we talk about it?" he asks as he can hear her starting to sniffle again. She shrugs and wipes her tears away discreetly
"Well shall I start talking first?" he says. Niamh doesn't say anything.

She nods and plays with her hair bobble. "I know I got a bit distracted and I know that annoyed you but did you really think I was only here for the sex?" he asks.

"Yes" she utters.

She starts to cry, "Oh Niamhy, don't cry babe"

"I though I had you, you were the one after everything that happened with Elliot" she cries.

"I am and I'm still here now right?" Joe says, Niamh nods and looks up at him in floods of tears.

"I wanted that to go where it nearly went earlier, I wanted to have sex with you... It's just I don't think I can't" she mutters anxiously.

"Why's that?" Joe asks confused as he pulls her into a hug.

She looks around and then look at Matthew before looking back at Joe, "the last person I had sex with... Was E-EElliot... And it hurt so much not just mentally but physically" she cries.

"And this is why you are so self-concious too?" Joe asks.

She nods "I am so sorry" she mutters.

"I understand, he's messed you about something silly" Joe says as he strokes her shoulder.

She leans into Joe and cries "I want to have everything with you the full relationship... But he's destroyed me" Niamh cries.

"I know babe I know" he says as he kisses her head.

"I've ruined our relationship, I'm so stupid" she cries.

"Your not stupid... Wait hold on... Are you trying to make out he raped you?" Joe mutters.

"Eh not exactly but sort of I guess" she stutters as she tries to find the words.

"Niamh either he did or he didn't?" Joe says. "This is serious" he adds.

"I guess he did" she cries.

Joe pulls her into a hug "oh Niamhy" he says.

"You know I would never hurt you in that way and nor would I even try to" Joe explains. "Me, you and Matthew yeah?" He adds.

She nods, "I'm sorry about tonight" she sighs.

"Don't be sorry" he smiles.
"I still had fun anyway" he smiles.

"Tomorrow?" She says nervously.

"Tomorrow for what?" he asks.

"We go for a walk? Later on I will see if Chloe will have Matthew and well we could... You know... Go to bed and see what happens?" She says quietly.

"You don't have to do anything you don't feel like doing" Joe says.

Niamh looks at him "this is something I want to do" she mutters.

Joe smiles, "I'm sorry I lost the plot earlier on the beach, it could have been special but I ruined it" she sighs.

"Tomorrow" Joe smiles as he strokes her knee.

Joe places Matthew down in his Moses basket as he is asleep, "do you want anything? I'm just going to get something to drink" he smiles.

"Water please" she smiles happily at him.

"Come on with me" he smiles and Niamh nods and takes his hand.

They head downstairs to find everyone has gone to bed. "I'm so sorry" she mumbles.

"Shhh don't be" he says as they get to the kitchen and he silences her with a kiss.
She starts to smile, "there's that beautiful smile back" Joe says happily.

She starts to smile, "there's that beautiful smile back" Joe says happily.
He lifts her onto the sideboard and smiles at her.

"I'm fragile Joe, I admit it" she sighs as her eyes start to water again.

Joe strokes her cheek "your stronger than you think" Joe says.

Niamh smiles as he strokes her cheek, "I'm so lucky to have you" she says a free tear falling down her cheek.

Joe strokes her leg and stands between her legs and hugs her. "I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you earlier" Joe says.

Niamh looks down at him and kisses him, "I'm really sorry too" she says.

He gets a glass and pours them both and glass of ice water. Niamh watches him as he comes over to her with the glasses. He hands her a glass, "do you have any neurofen?" she asks.

"There might be some in my coat" Joe smiles.

"Actually wait, mum might have some" she says as she gets down off the sideboard and goes over to the medicine cupboard.

Joe smiles and goes through to the lounge and sits down. She comes through with her glass of water and tablets, "what's up?" he asks as he taps the seat beside him to get her to come sit down.

"Nothing" she mumbles.

"Why did you need neurofen?" he asks curiously.

"Headache" she says.

"Oh come here for a cuddle you" he smiles.

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